Am I A Homie Hopper?

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"Guys!" We heard Pedri yell from the hallway. "Come in here," Gavi yelled back. We promptly heard the door open and footsteps walk into my room. Pedri looked frantic and stressed. "What is wrong?' I asked , sitting up.

Gavi and I had been laying in my bed watching Tv before we heard Pedri yell. I could see tears in his eyes and moved my body so he could lay down between the two of us. Once he had settled himself he answered my question. "You know that red carpet I am going to tonight?" he asked and Gavi and I nodded. "Well it is a big date thing and I had a girl I was going to bring, but she just dropped out at the last minute. I will so stupid without a girl" he continued and i could tell he was holding back tears.

I thought about it for a second. "I can go with you" I said to him, making them both look at me in shock. "What? You are like a brother to me and I want to pay you back for everything you have done, "I said, earning an approving nod from Gavi.

He immediately softened and kissed my forehead before walking out. "Be ready at 5:00. We leave at 5:15" he yelled to me before once again closing my door. This left Gavi and I sitting in silence. I looked over at him only to see that he was staring right back at me. "That was really nice of you," he said, smiling and pulling me back towards him. "I trust you two. You should go have fun."

To be honest I felt bad about leaving him here alone all night, but Pedri needed my help. "I do need help picking out a dress," I said , messing with the strings on my sweatshirt. I looked over at Gavit to see we were thinking the same thing. "FASHION SHOW!!!!" he yelled as I stood up.

We spent the next hour trying on every dress in my closet before deciding on a maxi light pink dress. "You look so pretty in that one!" Gavi said from the comfort of my bed. I turned around and looked at it in the mirror and smiled. If he loved it then I loved it too. Got changed out of it and laid back down in bed with him. It was only 11 so I wouldn't have to get ready for it now.

"We should go out for a casual lunch" I said to him after making it under the covers. He nodded and we both got up. We went out for lunch at my favorite burger place. We were sitting there eating when I looked up to see a guy with a camera taking pics of us. "Ugh" I said , making Gavi turn around to see why I was suddenly upset. "I am sorry," he said, grabbing my hand. I knew he felt bad for putting me in the public eye by dating me, but I loved him enough that the trade off was okay.

I finished my meal faster than normal and we got out of there. My butt had just hit the car seat when I got an explosion of instagram notifications. I clicked on it to see the paparazzi photos of us at lunch. I learned not to read the comments because there were people who were going to hate no matter what you do. I instead kept my eyes on the photos. They were actually really cute and I ended up saving them. I didn't like that I liked them, but I did and what was I going to do about it.

Hours had passed and I was hard at work in my bathroom. I wanted to look my best, so Pedri could look good too. I finished my hair and makeup. Then pulled the pink dress on. It was actually a cute choice. I liked the box neck at the top and the way the slit was just high enough without showing people too much.

 I liked the box neck at the top and the way the slit was just high enough without showing people too much

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