Its Not What It Looks Like

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If i a being honest, I was really nervous for today. The whole team was going to meet kids at the children's hospital. Don't get me wrong I LOVE KIDS and i want to be a mom, but i was more nervous about being in a hospital. "You ready?" Gavi asked, walking into my room. "Nope i still have to get dressed." i said back to him. He nodded and let me do my thing.

I put on a casual dress. It was brown and i always felt pretty in it.

 It was brown and i always felt pretty in it

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(outfit is from pinterest)

I turned and looked into the mirror making sure to smooth everything out, making sure I looked good. I then turned and walked out the door. "LETS GO!!!" I yelled to the boys, who were sitting in the living room, once I got downstairs. They both jumped up and we were on our way.


We pulled up and walked into the waiting room where we saw most of the team. While we were waiting for the rest of the team to show up, Xavi handed Gavi and Pedri a stack of playing card type things. "You are going to hand them out to kids' ' he said then patted them on the back and walked over to the new arrivals.

Once everyone had got there, they split up. I went with Gavi and Blade. We were walking down the hallways and it was nothing like that cold scary room I had to identify my family in. This was full of life and colorful. There were kids laughing and screaming while running around and parents who were conversing with each other. It felt normal.

We walked into the first room where there was a little boy laying on the bed. It was hard to look at first because my heart filled with sadness, but seeing the smile on his face made me feel better. I watched as Gavi interacted with the boy. It melted my heart to see the way he cared for him. I did have to smile at the image of him caring for our future kids like that.

The day went on and we went room to room meeting kids. Our last stop was a teenage girl and when we walked in her face went straight to me. "Savannah Monroe?" she said in shock. I looked around confused. She had two hot soccer players here to meet her and she looked at me. "In the flesh and blood" I said , stepping forward with a smile on my face. She started to freak out and her mom set up to take a photo of us.

After we did, I smiled at her. "I feel bad i don't have something to give you," I said to her. I stood there for a moment before taking the gold chain I was wearing around my neck off. She watched in shock as I took it off and put it around her neck. "It looks great," I said with a smile. She looked so shell shocked. "Thank You" she mustered out. I gave her a hug and we all walked out back to the waiting room.

The chief came out and thanked us for visiting the kids. After his little speech we split up to go home. Pedri was telling us all about the kids he was hanging with.

When we got to the car I pulled out my phone to see someone had tagged me in a post. I clicked on it to see that the girl I had met had posted it. I liked it and followed her. Knowing that would put a smile on her face.

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