The Kiss

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We had the day off yesterday, which I would typically be excited about, but in reality I just sat on Gavi and Pedro's couch with a pounding headache. At around 7 pm they drove me home. I kissed them both on the cheeks and wished them good luck for their game tomorrow. I hopped out of the car and walked to my room. Then I crashed. Right before I did "wow savannah hangover takes a lot out of you" I laughed at my own joke then fell into my deep dreams.


I woke up this morning to my alarm. It was 9 am and kickoff was at 1. I hopped out of bed and put on my gavi sweatshirt and a mini skirt. Although it was winter, it wasn't too cold. I put my hair up micro pigtails. Then I threw on my panda dunks and walked out the door. I arrived super early to film some pre game videos. Since I was the Social Media liaison I got to go out on the field. Even though the team begged me to sit on the sidelines with them I wanted to go up into the stands and watch with Sira and Mikky.

I found my seat which was directly behind the bench. The game started off slow in the first half, but half way through the second half GAVI SCORES!!!! I Was flipping out. For his celebration he ran over to right in front of where the three of us were and had his teammates pick him up like he was a flier on the high school cheer squad. He leans into my ear, I lean in interested in what he was going to say. "I liked cuddling with you the other night. We should do it again." I smile and start blushing "he pulls my head back in again. I thought he was going to say something nice, but instead he burps in my ear. I push him back and he falls into Jordi Alba's arms. I was impressed with how the actually looked like a high school cheer squad. Sira and Mikky and I laugh as they run back onto the field. The game ends 1-0 with Gavi's being the only goal. We make our way down to the locker room to wait for the boys to get dressed.

We had been sitting there for a max 5 minutes when the door opened and Gavi and Pedri walked out. In retaliation to the burp earlier I go and hug Pedri first. As I am turning around I hear Gavi complaining. "Wow I scored the only goal of the game and I still don't get the girl" he says and I playfully slap his arm. Once Ferran and Frankie had come out we made our way out to the cars. We see Xavi calling everyone over. We are confused, but obliged. Once we make it to the group he informs us that at 7 tonight we are having a celebratory party with the FC Barca president and some of their biggest donors. "Please dress up" Xavi looks at all of us with desperation "they don't need to know you all live in sweatpants' '. Laughter breaks out amongst us. I look at Gavi and he smiles back at me.


Pedri had dropped me off about an hour ago and I was standing in my room trying on dresses again. I swear I had never gone to this many dinners in my entire life let alone within the span of a month. I decided on a light purple floor length dress. I was looking for jewelry to wear when I found my mom's wedding ring. I grabbed it and tried it on. The giant diamond in the middle made it stand out. I then grabbed a matching Kendra Scott set that my sister had. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled, I was content. I turned to pick out shoes. My eyes fell on these nude heels that I swear I have had since 7th grade. I looked at them and chuckled at how much 7th grade Savannah would be proud if she saw her now. In the end I grabbed those shoes and slid them on.

 In the end I grabbed those shoes and slid them on

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