The Finale

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"Sweetie, I need you to wake up. I have training and I need someone to bring Olivia to school." Gavi said while gently shaking me. I groaned and rolled back over before getting out of bed. I threw on a random workout outfit and threw my hair up into a ponytail. I brushed my teeth and went to collect Olivia's things. I walked into the kitchen and saw Gavi cooking breakfast.

"Are we doing anything for our anniversary?" I asked him. He broke a smile and shook his head. "You will have to find out." He then kissed me on the head and handed me the food before walking to go to training. I was left here smiling.

I dropped Olivia off at school and went back home. After Gavi and I got married, I quit my job as social media coordinator to be a full time WAG. I was sitting on the couch answering some emails when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over and cautiously opened it.

"JOSH! MAKENZIE!" I said and jumped into their arms. I then turned to their little girl who was a fully grown child now. "SAVANNAH!!!" I said while pulling her into a hug. She was so cute and looked just like her parents. "Come on in," I said and motioned them into the house. They looked around before settling onto the couch. "Thanks so much for coming to babysit Olivia." I said to them, "It's no problem. Since we moved here, we haven't really had anything to do." Josh chuckled.


I was standing in the bathroom getting ready. I did my makeup and hair before turning around and smiling at the dress I had picked out. It just so happened to be the dress I wore the night of the first team dinner I went to back in 2022 when I first met the boys. WOW! Life has really changed a lot since then. I pulled the dress over my head and flattened it out. "Hey Sav are you done?" Gavi knocked on the door. "Almost." I responded.


I got done and walked down the stairs to see Gavi waiting for me. "You look stunning" He said while pulling me into a kiss. It was the feeling of safety even all these years later. We walked out and he ran ahead to open the door for me. "Thank You sir" I smiled as I got into the car. He nodded and ran over to the driver's seat.

We walked into the restaurant and sat down. We talked the night away. We were laughing so hard when a group of people started cheering. We looked at each other confused and stood up to find out what was going on. As we got closer we saw it was someone proposing.

"HOLY SHIT!! THAT'S PABLO TORRE!!!" I whisper shouted to Gavi. he got closer and started to freak out too. Once everyone had calmed down, we made our way closer to congratulate him. He thanked us and we ended up double dating with them. His now fiance was super sweet and I really liked her.

We were joking about how Pablo had a crush on me "back in the day". Life was just good.

After dinner Gavi drove me somewhere. "Where are we going?" I asked after noticing that we were not on our way home. "You'll see." He said with a huge smile on his face. We pulled up to Camp Nou and hopped out. I am standing there. Looking at the beauty of the stadium, I can finally enjoy it. Now that I am here.





I hoped you guys liked how the last line of the book was the same as the first line of the book just updated. I felt pretty cool thinking of that.

Thank you so much for coming on this journey with them. I love you guys so much! Thank you one more time for everything. 

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