The Smell of Home!

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A/N: Thanks so much for 20K reads! It means so much that you guys like my work. 

QUESTION: Should I keep the story going or are you guys getting bored and want me to end it now. LMK if you can!! 


Gavi's Pov

"Tweet!!! tweet!!! Tweet!!" The final whistle blew for the game. We won 1-0 against VillaReal. We were all on the field celebrating when I jumped on Christiansen's back. I must have lost my grip on his shoulders because I fell back. I hit someone on the way down and turned over to see I was squishing Sav.

"OMG are you okay?" I asked for her help. She couldn't respond to me because she was laughing so hard. I hugged her and the whole squad ran around us squeezing us to death. I still had her in my arms and our bodies were glued together. She was still laughing into my chest as the guys screamed around us.

The hype had died down and the fans started to leave. "I don't want to go!!" Pedri and Sav whined to me as I tried to walk off the field with the rest of the team. I sighed and looked around for a ball. I was pretty pooped, but these moments with these two were what I lived for.

Sav was wearing a pretty casual outfit, so she was ok with getting a little sweaty. I nodded at them and kicked the ball. Sav settled it pretty well, but Pedri took it away from her fast. She somehow managed to get it back and was in a full sprint towards me at the goal. Pedir was close behind her and I heard some yell," over here Sav. I am open!!" I glanced to my left to see Balde running back onto the field.

She gave him a quick pass and he shot a perfect ball into the top corner. Right over my head. "Hey unfair!! I want a rematch!!" Pedri said as some more guys walked onto the field.

Pretty soon the whole team was back on the field and we were playing a whole 11 v 11 game out there. I even noticed that a lot of fans had stayed to see what was going to unfold.

Somehow I ended up on defense and I saw Pedri running at me with the ball. I go over to him, but he quickly passes the ball to Ansu who then passes it to Sav. She takes one step and fires a rocket past Peña into the goal. Everyone, including the people who weren't on her team, cheered and ran over to her.

It had been a long night. We had played a soccer game and scrimmage so most of us collapsed when we got to her. We all just laid there laughing and cracking jokes before Xavi came and yelled at us to go home.

When we stood up I finally got a look at the sheer amount of people who had stayed. It had to be more than half the stadium. I looked over to Sav looking around in awe. I smiled at her as she ran up to take my hand to walk off the field. "You are so lucky to have so many fans" she laughed and poked me jokingly. "I am even luckier to have you" I said , leaning over and kissing her on the top of the head.

We were all in the locker room talking. "Do we want to celebrate tomorrow because, no offense, but i am so tired i dont think it is smart for me to drive home" frenkie said to the whole team. Everyone agreed to meet up at his house tomorrow morning and we could chill for the day and celebrate the win.

I had just gotten done and was packing up my stuff when I noticed Sav was nowhere to be found. "Where is Savannah?" I used the guys and they looked around confused. At first I thought she was trying to mess around with me, but I quickly realized she wasn't. I started to panic a little bit, but made sure to look calm on the outside. Or at least tried.

I pretty much ran out the door.

Pedro's POV

"He is so in love" Alba said while chuckling. This caused the whole team to start laughing. "It is hard to remember a time when she wasn't glued to his side." frenkie said and we all went silent trying.

Savannah's POV

I had gone out into the hallway to allow the guys to have some time with just the team after the game. Our little scrimmage was super fun and to be honest, I felt pretty cool scoring in front of all those people.

I was leaning up against the wall when I saw some fans walk up to me and ask for my autograph and for pictures. I happily agreed and it was pretty fun to meet fans. They had just walked away when I saw Gavi burst through the locker room doors and look around. He looked scared, but when he saw me he smiled and ran up to me.

"Let's go," he said, grabbing my hand. I turned around just in time to see Pedri walking out of the door. The three of us walked out past the paparazzi yelling at us, past the fans who were cheering for us, and past the haters who were insulting us.

Once we made it the car we hopped in and drove off. It had been a long day. I was trying so hard to stay awake because I didn't want them to have to carry me into the house, but I failed and leaned my head back letting the euphoric feeling of sleep wash over me.

Gavi's Pov

I was on my phone typing an email when I saw out of the corner of my eye, Pedri looking into the rear view and chuckling. I looked back to see what he was laughing about and I saw that Sav was spooning one of our soccer bags. It was kind of goofy and I started laughing. "You wish that was you" Pedri said still laughing and I punched him in the shoulder. I mean he wasn't wrong.

We pulled up to the house and got out. I opened the back door and carefully pulled Sav out. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist making it easier to carry her. I walked her all the way to her room before taking off her shoes and dropping her into our bed.

I went into my room and took a shower. I cleaned up and put some pjs on. When I walked back into her room I expected her to be asleep, but I was wrong. She was gone and the light in the bathroom was on. I walked over and put my ear up to the door and heard the shower running.

I took the opportunity to lay down.

Savannah's POV

I had just gotten out of the shower and looked at my phone to see missed calls from Sira. As I did my skin care, I called her back. "What's up?" I asked right when she answered the phone. "Hey Marissa, the lady who took our photos a couple of days ago, wants to know if you would be open on Tuesday to do another shoot. She really likes you and wants to see you again." she said to me through the phone.

"I would love to," I said back. "There is one more thing" Sira paused for a moment. "It is a mixed gender shoot and you do have to get up close and personal with a male model. This never bothered Ferran, but I feel like you and Gavi should talk about it." I thought about it for a second. "Will do" I said before hanging up.

I put everything away before walking back into the bedroom. I was standing by the bed, but didn't have enough energy to get in it. Gavi opened his arms for me, but I seriously couldn't move. I took a deep breath before gathering all the energy in my body and flopping down onto him. He sighed once I was comfortable and started to rub the part of my back that the crop top I was wearing to bed didn't cover.

It was soothing. The warmth of his hands made me feel safe and the smell of his cologne smelled of home. I wish life could always be like this. Easy and effortless. With the state of comfort I was in, it didn't take much convincing for me to fall asleep. The last thing I remember was Gavi pulling me closer to him and kissing me on the top of my head before laying me back down. Then darkness as sleep, once again, took me over.

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