The Lake House Get Away

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The second I woke up it was game faces on. I put on a white crop top and some green and white pants.

 I put on a white crop top and some green and white pants

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(outfit is from pinterest)

I didn't even wait for the two boys because this morning I had a meeting with Xavi about my frantic call to him last night. I grabbed the biggest cup of coffee and walked out the door.

When I got to Camp Nou, I made my way up to his office. When I walked in I saw Saw Xavi at his desk and JAckson sitting in front of it. When I walked in, both turned to look at me and I made my way over to the other seat.

When I sat down, Xavi spoke to Jackson. "Last night I got a frantic call about how I need to fire you." to be honest he looked at me super surprised. "But why?" he said, choking up. "Because you killed my family," I said sternly, looking at him. "Yeah that 'mistake' that you were telling me about was killing my family." I didn't even look at him. I just kept my eyes locked on Xavi.

We all sat in silence for a while before Xavi ended up firing him. I felt a little bad because he was trying to have a fresh start here. Just like the one I wanted. After Jackson left, Xavi kept apologizing. "It's ok you didn't know" is said with a half genuine smile on my face before turning and walking out.

Right as I got out of my meeting, the boys started showing up, but I didn't pay any attention to them. They tried stopping me, but I just brushed past them and kept on walking to my office. I was too tired and drained to deal with their craziness right now. "Sav?" I heard Gavi say as he stuck his hand out to grab my wrist. I didnt turn around. Instead I shook his hand off me and walked off while feeling tears in my eyes.

I didn't know why I was crying. It wasn't like Jackson came to kill me too. It was just hard knowing the man who ended my family's life got to walk free. I walked into my office and dropped down onto the couch. Only then did I actually start to cry and let me tell you, when it started it never stopped.

I felt like I had been crying for years. I was laying there with eyes closed just letting the tears roll down when I felt a hand on my arm. I opened my eyes really hoping it was Gavi, it wasn't. Instead it was Mikky. She just held me while I cried.

Once I let every ounce of water leave my eyes, I fell silent. We both sat like that for a while before she spoke up." I think we should go to Frenkie's lake house. It is super secluded and we can spend some time together without the stress of the team and work." I nodded and she helped me up.

We walked out of Camp Nou and to ehr car where she drove me back to my house to pack. I quickly threw together a couple days worth of clothes. After that I walked back out to the car and hopped in. We drove off.

Gavi's POV

The last time I had seen Sav was this morning and I could tell something was up. Since we had a break in training I decided to go find her, but when i walked into her office she was gone. I immediately started to panic as the feelings of her kidnapping came back. I took a couple of deep breaths and pulled out my phone to call her. When I did , I saw a really cryptic text from her.

"Mikky and I are taking some time away. See you in a couple of days "I read on the screen. I tried texting her back, but all of the texts were going through green. I knew she wanted her space, but I couldn't survive days without her in my arms.

I ran down to the locker rooms and everyone looked at me when they saw the desperation on my face. I walked over to Frankie and calmly asked where they could be going. He pondered it for a moment before I saw a light switch go off in his head. "They probably went to my lake house." He was surprisingly calm, but I was freaking out inside. "I can take you there after training if you like, '' he said, seeing on my face that his first answer wasn't enough. I nodded in agreement and walked out to the field.

Training could not have gone by any slower. I just wanted to go to the house to find her, but it felt like time was working against me. When training finally did end I had to practically drag Frenkie out of there. I spent the whole 2 hour drive fidgeting and freaking out. Why didn't she come to me when she needed a break? Was she trying to distance herself from me? I was honestly kind of sad that I couldn't survive without her. I didn't want her to feel like i was coddling her, but i was also scared with all her previous self harm problems that when i got to her. It would already be too late.

I started to freak myself out, but managed to calm myself down as we pulled up and knocked on the door. It was a big glass door and when I saw Sav's face through it, I wanted to break it down and get to her as fast as I could. She answered the door and i didnt give her any time before pulling her into a hug. She just stood there and took it as Frenkie walked in and went to go find Mikky.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, pulling away and looking at me. "I needed to know you were okay" i said abc to her and she smiled before leaning into another hug.

Once everyone had done their catching we all met in the living room. "Since you guys are already here... you should spend the rest of the day and night with us" Mikky said to both Fresnkie and IF. I saw in the corner of my eye that Sav was nodding. "Sure, but i dont have clothes," I said to her. Frenkie chuckled, "I got you covered."

We ate dinner and even though it was February, it was still really warm and we decided to hang out by the dock. Sadly it was still too cold for swimming, but we all went out in our suits just in case.

I was sitting on the dock with Frenkie while we waited for the two girls to get down here. I heard the door open and the girls giggling. I turned around to see that Sva had on white swim bottoms and was wearing the Yale crew neck that I had worn here. She will never not look good in my sweatshirts.

(outfit is from pinterest)

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(outfit is from pinterest)

They came down to the dock, where we were. We were both sitting on these nice couches that were facing the sunset. Sav looked around for a second, but I smiled and opened my arms to her. At this point she didn't have to think about it. She just plopped down next to me and laid her head in my lap. I stuck my hand into her incredibly soft hair that she had pulled into a messy bun. I just scratched her head to let her know I was thinking about her. She scooted closer to me and hugged my torso.

She flipped over so she was looking at me and the butterflies that were in my stomach should be illegal. It felt like we were in a movie. The way the sun made her eyes sparkle and the way that her eyelashes fluttered back and forth every time she blinked. It melted my heart.

The three of us sat there and talked for hours before I could tell everyone was tired. We decided to go up to bed.

Sav went to her room and naturally I followed. I grabbed some of Frenkie's shorts and threw them on before jumping into bed. Sav changed out her suit too, but kept my sweatshirt on. She hopped in next to me and moved her face to the crook of my neck. I could feel her breathing up against my skin.

She fell asleep pretty fast and i didnt mind. I was just glad she wasn't mad at me for showing up. I was just glad she loved me. I don't think it was possible for her to love me more than how much i loved her, but it was nice to know she still loved me. I repeated 'she still loves me' over and over until i fell asleep too. 

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