The Modeling Party

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"SAVANNAH!!!!" I heard Lauren yell as she ran into the living room and launched herself into my lap. "What?" I giggle as she rolls over to face me. "The photos were released and everyone loves them." She said with the biggest smile on her face as she handed me her phone. I looked down at what she was showing me and I was met with a whole campaign. It was more than I expected.

"Wow we look hot!!" I pointed to a photo of us sitting on the beach. We were looking at the photos when both our phones rang with a call from the modeling agency.

"Hello?" I said when I picked up my phone. "Hi Savannah, it's Marissa and I was calling you to invite you to a party tomorrow for the new campaign that was just released. MAKE SURE TO BRING DATES!!! We want as many people there as possible." Marissa said to me from the other line. "I will send you the details through an email in a bit. Can't wait to see you there" she was really chipper. "Thanks so much! See you tomorrow night" I responded and hung up.

"We need to go shopping right now" I said to her once she put her phone down. "Let's go!!" she responded. I went to find the boys to tell them the news and invite Gavi to the party. I looked around and found them sitting outside. I walked over to them and stood there waiting for them to put their phones down. When they didn't I cleared my throat. "Gavi, I was just invited to a party for the modeling campaign that was released today. Would you like to come with me tomorrow night?" I said to him, "Of course my love" he said all dramatically and picked me up swinging me around.

We were both laughing so hard, but when Gavi put me down, we both went silent. We were watching Lauren attempt to ask Pedri to come with her. They were both so nervous, but she managed to get it out and he said yes. After that Gavi and I started cheering and Pedri flipped us off.


"Which one?" I asked Lauren to hold up two dresses. One was a long black dress and the other was a tan silk dress. They both hugged my body perfectly and I felt unstoppable. "That one for sure." she said pointing to the tan one. "You look hot in it."

We walked to a restaurant for lunch. We walked in and sat down at a random table. I was tired from hours of shopping. "Sooo... you and Pedri!!" I said to her jokingly, hitting her arm. "Yeah" she shyly responded and looked won at her feet. All I did was giggle and I could see her face turn multiple shades of red.


"OMG!!!! You look so hot!!!" Lauren exclaimed when I walked out of the bathroom in my dress. "I wish I looked like you." 

(outfit is from pinterest)

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(outfit is from pinterest)

All I did was laugh. We had gotten into our dresses when we heard a knock at the door. We walked downstairs together and it was the makeup and hair team that Marissa had arranged for us. We let them in and they set up in the kitchen, taking it over.

It was a little while later and Lauren and I were laughing and having a good time while the professionals worked their magic. I looked over at the clock to see that it was almost time to leave. The lady working on me finished up around the same time that they did one Laruen. We walked back in the foyer. "BOYS!!" I yelled at them. Seconds later I heard the door open and footsteps to the stairs. They made their way downstairs in suits and ties. Gavi had flowers for me and gave me a kiss when he reached the bottom.

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