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I had something that had been on my mind and I really wanted to ask the boys. I didn't know how they would react though. I was standing in the doorway of the kitchen just staring off into space. 

"You good?" Pedri said getting and putting his breakfast dishes away. "I need you guys to sit down, '' I said, looking at them even though Gavi was already sitting. Pedri and I walked over to the table and sat down. They both turned their attention to me and they put super serious expressions on their faces. "I want to travel to Liverpool to see a game" I said to them "My dad and I were HUGE fans of them and I want to live out a dream we shared." I stopped talking and looked at them. They had disgusted looks on their faces and then smiled.

 "Of course you can go. I will check on flights and we will get you there before christmas break." Gavi said, standing up and patting me on the shoulder. I was actually really excited to do something that my dad and I had always dreamed of.


I was standing in front of a red and white stadium. I looked up at the giant picture of Trent Alexander-Arnold on the front. "Sav breathe," Gavi said, leaning into my ear. We were standing outside of Anfield. I was wearing a black workout set and a red bomber jacket.

The outfit:

(Outfits is from Pinterest)

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(Outfits is from Pinterest)

I smiled at him and I practically ran in. Gavi and Pedri had both come on this weekend getaway. we were walking to our seats and when I tell you all the air left my body when I saw the field for the first time. I mean it. It was even more beautiful than I could ever imagine. 

I guess I stopped pretty abruptly because both Gavi and Pedri ran into me. After I came to my senses we all kept walking to our seats which were right off the field. When we got to our seats ,   I was watching the warm ups and Gavi was talking to Pedro about something.

It wasn't long until a Liverpool player ran over to us. "What's up thiago? '' Gavi said, standing up and giving him a bro hug over the rail. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked the two of them. " well this is my girlfriend, Sav, and she is a huge fan of Liverpool. They moved so I could see him and I had a shocked look on my face. I couldn't believe I was talking to a Liverpool player. They all looked at me and chuckled. Thiago then said "come on down to the field and meet the team. We would love to have you on the bench during the game." I looked at him then at Gavi. "Well let's go" Pedri said and he led us out of the stands.

We found the hallway and walked down it until we were on the field. Thiago came over to us and led us further out of the tunnel. I had no words. I couldn't believe I was really on the field at Anfield. It felt unreal. They started talking and I just kept walking. I made it to the sidelines and looked around. I was taking in what was happening around me. I guess the three of them played together in Spain. I don't really know I was so focused on everything around me.

After a couple of minutes of me just standing there the boys walked over to me. "Wanna meet the players?'' Thiago asked and led me further out onto the field. We made it to the group and stopped. Everyone else stopped to look at us. I couldn't breathe, some of my favorite players ever, like Allison, Trent AA, and Mo Salah, were there looking at me. "This is the girlfriend of a dear friend of mine." Thiago said breaking the eye contact I was making with the whole team. "Hi" they all sang out in unison. I could barely wave. I was so starstruck. Now I knew how Luca and those boys felt when I introduced them to the Barca team. "Wanna warm up with us?" Henderson asked me and all I could do was nod in agreement. I, only for a brief second, looked over at Gavi and Pedri on the sidelines who were smiling back at me.

I set my bag down and took off my jacket before hopping into a passing circle with some of the guys. They were super nice and inclusive. I had so much fun laughing and playing with them. Sadly, after a while it was time for them to go to the locker room to get ready. I thanked all of them and I walked back over to Gavi and Pedri. "THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!" I practically yelled and gave them a hug. When I pulled away Pedri looked me up and down all sassy. "Even better the day you met us?" He said sarcastically and broke a smile a bit. "I don't know we have to see if they win" I giggled back and smacked my arm playfully.

We walked back to our seats and sat down to watch the game. A couple of Barca fans I come up to Gavi and Pedri, but overall it was nice to feel like a real person. We watched the game and Liverpool need up winning. I jumped up and down after every goal. At the end of the game I was tired of the jumping and my throat Hurt from the screaming. "Ready to go" Gavi asked me after the teams had left the fields. I nodded and we got up and walked to an Uber. We hopped in and drove back to our hotel.

We walked through the front door and I flung myself on the bed. I rolled over dramatically. "I never want to leave, '' I said, putting my hand over my face in fake distress. The boys rolled their eyes and sat down. Pedri on his bed and Gavi on ours. They turned on the Tv and I decided to look at my phone. I had put it on DND today because I wanted to enjoy the game. And when I turned it off I was met with a ton of instagram notifications stating that all of the Liverpool players had followed me. I put my phone down and looked up at the ceiling. "Look dad I made it '' I whispered to the sky hoping that somewhere up there my dad was looking down on me, smiling.

Since it had been a long day we decided just to order room service and relax for the rest of the night. We had flown in yesterday morning and were flying out tomorrow morning, so we could get home in time for Monday training. The boys were watching some dumb show on the Tv, but I just laid there looking at the ceiling still trying to decide if today was real or not. Somewhere in the internal debate I fell asleep, but with a smile on my face.

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