Birthday Girl

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I woke up and I had no motivation to get out of bed. Typically This would be my favorite day of the year, but not with all the sad things that have happened to me in this year. I laying there hoping that this day would be over already. I hear a sound outside my door and in a flash Gavi and Pedri had swung it open and ran in with party hats on. I flopped my head back down onto my pillow not wanting to deal with this. "Come one and Get up" gavi whines grabbing my arm and pulling me off the bed. "You have 5 minutes to get ready. We have a lot to do" Pedri says. "Wait I have something for you. Take this as your pre-birthday gift" Gavi said pulling out clothes. "What is that?" I ask grabbing them out of his hand. "Matching outfits for today" he says back to my super excitedly. I thank them and they walk out.

I threw the clothes on. It was an all black sweat set and blue nike dunks. I really liked how I looked and I liked that Gavi had picked it out. I pulled my hair into a bun. I was standing looking at myself in the mirror when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I open it and the two of them were standing there. "5 minutes are up" Pedri says and Gavi picks me up throwing me over his shoulder. we walked down to the first floor and he set me down. Pedri had to run and grab something. While he was gone Gavi and I took a picture in our outfits together.

 While he was gone Gavi and I took a picture in our outfits together

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(Outfit is from Pinterest)

I look at the photo and smile. Even though I wished my parents were here with me, I am glad I have such a happy life now. Pedri came back and we walked out to the car. "Birthday girl in the front today" Pedri says to Gavi and he starts to pout. We were in the car driving when I finally spoke up. "Where are we going?" I asked the two of them. There was no response instead they smiled at each other through the rear-view mirror.

We pulled up to Camp Nou and hopped out. We walk in and go through to the training fields. I walked out onto the field. I saw something more like someone sitting out on the field. I get closer and it was Xavi. I gave him a hug and he started to speak. "This is stop one one your scavenger hunt" he said cracking a smile. "My what?" I says looking at the boys. "We are doing a scavenger hunt all over Barca. We are going to places important to the three of our's friendship. Xavi just wanted to make sure he wished you a happy birthday." Gavi said looking at me.

We drove all around Barca. After Camp Nou we went to the event hall where Anita slapped me and laughed at the memories. We went to their (old) apartment where we all recounted how many times I crashed there drunk. After that we went to the beach. It had been enough time at this point that wasn't triggered by what happened to me there. Instead we stood with our feet sunk in the sand looking out at the great views. The last place we stopped was my (old) apartment. This time though Gavi was the only one to get out of the car. We walked into the building and up to the doorway of the place I used to live. I was confused when I saw Gavi pull out a key. "I talked to your landlord and since no one has moved in he let me use the place for the day" he said then turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open. I walk in and see two gift bags on the ground. I walk in slowly and look around at the empty place I used to call my home. A place where Gavi and I had our first kiss, the place where I cried myself to sleep, and the place where I could just calm and be with myself. In the end I was the only person I could 100% count on. I was always there for myself. I kneeled down and opened the first one. I pulled it out and at first I didn't know what it was, but when I did I started to cry. It was a flag that was 1/2 USA and 1/2 Spain. It was so cool and I loved it. I was never a patriotic person, but I was always proud of my country. So, to see both of the places I called home together was cool. "Thank you" I try to muster out in between sobs. "You have one more," Gavi says, pointing to the next bag. I grab it and peek in. "OMG you didn't" I say pulling out a white dress. It was a dress that every time we walked by the boutique I always said how much I loved it. It had a small slit and was open backed that was tied together with a bow. "Thank you" I say jumping up and giving Gavi a huge hug. He hugged me back. "That isn't even the end of it. We are having a team dinner tonight for your birthday and I want you to wear that" Gavi says, holding my head against his chest. I pull back to look him in the eyes and then hug him again.


I was so excited I barely waited for the car to come to a full stop before hopping out. I was wearing a white dress and my favorite white heels.

The outfit:

The outfit:

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(Dress is from Lucy in the Sky)

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(Dress is from Lucy in the Sky)

I was shaking. I missed the guys so much. They had all left Barca for the summer to go home which means I hadn't seen some of them in months. "I am here" I say, strutting into the restaurant and up to the table of boys. Before they could say anything Sira and Mikky jumped up to hug me. "We missed you '' they say, pulling me into a group hug. We were all laughing like little kids. After they had gone back to sit down I walked over to the head of the table. It was me, then Gavi to my right and Ansu on my left. I was having a good time talking with the guys. I was so happy, don't get me wrong, but I would have killed everyone in the room to see my family walk through the door. I was staring at the door intensely when it opened and I saw a familiar face. I choked on my water trying to decide if it was real or if I was just imagining things. I closed my eyes for a second and pinched myself, then opened my eyes again. It was very real. I got up unable to speak. I walked closer to this person I had known all my life and when I got close enough I mustered out a weak "mom?". I was so confused about who this woman was. She turned to look at me. "Happy birthday Savannah '' she says with a smile that I couldn't ignore. I look behind her to see my sister and dad walk in. They all hugged me. I wanted to hug back. I did, but I knew it wasn't real. I saw them, dead on the tables. I didn't know what to do. I was honestly pretty scared how were they here? "SAVANNAH" someone's voice echoed through the bathroom waking me up. I took a sigh of relief. I had fallen asleep in the bathroom and Gavi's voice woke up. He leaned against the stall. "Are you okay in there? '' he asks softly. "Yes' ' I say, sounding uncertain because I was trying to calm myself down from the very vivid dream I just had. I open the stall door. "What happened?" Gavi asks, seeing the look on my face. "I fell asleep and had a vivid dream that my family was here and they hugged me. It was weird" I say kind of shrugging it off. I loved how much the boys loved me, but sometimes they made big deals out of things like this and I didn't want him to so I walked out of the bathroom.

I made it back to the table and all the boys looked at me, but I signaled I was ok and they all went back to what they were doing. After we ate. I opened presents. I got a lot of good ones, but my some of my favorites (aside from the ones Gavi got me earlier) were the personalized Barca jacket that the coaching staff gave me, a set of golf Callaway golf clubs Ferran got me, and most importantly I got a huge painting of the USA map from Ansu. After I finished opening gifts and thanking everyone, Xavi stood up to get our attention. "Savannah this is also a gift for you, but I want the whole team to listen" he said really only talking to me "we are leaving next week for a USA tour. So, tomorrow afternoon we will have our first meeting back after summer to go over the season and the trip. I want everyone there." I stand up "wait...... are we going to Chicago?" I question yelling up to him. He looks around and then yells back to me "YES!!!!" I jumped for joy. I was so excited.

My birthday was better than expected. When we got home the boys carried all my gifts inside and I took a shower and got out of my clothes. I then went downstairs and we watched my favorite movie. "Hoosiers". I had to smile at all the love. The two boys were sitting on either side of me and Gavi had laid me down in his lap. He stroked my head and that is how I fell asleep.

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