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I woke up slowly to the sun hitting my face and warming my cheeks. Then I jolted up not knowing where I  was, I looked down and noticed I was wearing different clothes. They were a little big on me and I was trying to rack my brain when Gavi walked in. He yells to Pedri that I was awake then closes the door. " Where am I?" I ask Gavi with a confused look. he smiles "your in Pedri and I's apartment, in my bed" I start to blush he goes into his closet and pulls out a bag and hands it to me I was confused at first, but then noticed it was my dress, shoes, and jewelry. "You looked so uncomfortable in that dress last night so I thought you would want to change out of it." He looks down "I also tried to remove your makeup, but I think I did it wrong because your face got really red." I looked at him in confusion, so I stood up to examine my face. When I looked into the mirror I was surprised at how good of a job he did. I walked back into the room with a smile on my face. "You did good, Gavi, better than what I do. Thanks" I said I know I was blushing, but this time I didn't care. It was just the two of us here.

I walked out into the living room to see Pedri playing video games. He glances at me and tells me there is breakfast in the kitchen. I turn my head and start to eat. When I looked at the time I realized I needed to get home because I had my first therapy session coming up. I awkwardly walked into the living room to Pedri, and now Gavi, sitting on the couch. They both look at me confused why I look scared. I ask if he could drive me home to get dressed then drive me to my therapy session. They both stop talking. "It is ok if you can't. I was just wondering" I say with a small frown. He stands up and puts his arm around me. He leans over so Gavi couldn't hear "ofc I will take you anywhere you need" he leans back and smiles. I thank him and walk into the room again to get my stuff. I didn't even notice Gavi follow me in. I don't know why, but tears are in my eyes. I am so proud of getting a therapist, but I can't talk about what happened to my family. Again not knowing Gavi was there I hear a weak "Savannah-" I turn to see him standing there. I didn't know what to do. He rushes over to me and opens his arms. I fall into them with my full body weight, but he manages to keep standing. I just cry. About 5 minutes later I pull back "thanks-'' I say with a weak smile. Gavi just looks at me with sad eyes, but I turn around and walk out to the living room where Pedri is standing. "Ready?" He asks me all cheerily, not knowing what just happened in the room.


After the session Pedri picks me up again. I get into the car and he looks at me. This time I am smiling because the lady was nice and I can see that she will help me a lot. "Want to go out for lunch?'' He asks me and I ofc say yes. After a couple of minutes I ask if we should text Gavi and ask him too. Pedri and I agree that it would be a good idea. We get to the restaurant and I see paparazzi swarming the car. I look at Pedri, he is mad, he tells me to stay seated and gets out of the car. When he tells them to move aside he opens the door and we start to walk. They were shouting, but when they fully parted I saw Gavi standing there. I Run up to him and hug him, Pedri follows close behind and we walk into the restaurant.

Even though I had a good session I still am not very hungry. No matter how nice the lady was, I still have to relive the worst day of my life. I was sitting there in thought. Gavi and Pedri staring at me, waiting for me to say something. I don't, so Pedri asks me how the session went. I tell him good, but don't follow up with anything else which makes them both think I am lying. I then smile and tell them it went really well. They finally accept that and continue on with their day.



Sorry this one is short. It is at a weird point in the story. I am writing chapter 4 right after I publish this.

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