My Family Is Dead

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The first month of the season was actually really fun. Barca was playing really well and we had found a routine. Sira, Mikky, and I had hung out and became as close as ever. I really liked the way I never felt judged around them. I also was taking the social media in a different direction and everyone loved it. I also scheduled events to make the team's training more exciting. However September had just started and that meant that September 5th was tomorrow.


I opened my eyes and immediately my mood was bad. I opened my eyes and I felt like a failure. It had been exactly a year since my family's death. I couldn't move, I couldn't feel, and I couldn't think. I felt like there was a giant rock weighing down my chest. I was laying there in the silence of my room when I started to cry. I know I have moved on and grown since my family's death, but I needed a good cry. I hear my door open, but I ignore it. I rolled over on my side so my back was to the them. I felt the other side of the bed sink in and Gavi's arm snaked around me. When he pulled me closer I cried harder. I couldn't stop. My head started hurting and I felt a lump in my throat. I felt like I couldn't breathe and I started hyperventilating. The more I cried the harder Gavi squeezed me. I felt like I had cried enough tears to fill the ocean. I just laid there and soaked in all the bad feelings. I had mentioned to him that today was the day and he had talked to Xavi and I was given the day off. Once I had calmed down a little bit, Gavi started to stand up to get ready for training. "I want to come with you" I said standing up after him. "No no you need to stay home and take a break" Gavi said, trying to get me to lay back down, but I stood firm. "I want to go be with the boys at a place I call home" I could feel the tears coming back up and Gavi just looked into my very sad eyes. "Okay do you think you could be ready in 10 minutes?" He asked me and I nodded in response. He kissed me on the head and walked out.

I slowly walked into my closet and pulled out a sweatshirt and some biker shorts. I threw my hair up into a bun and looked at myself in the mirror.

 I threw my hair up into a bun and looked at myself in the mirror

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(Outfit is from Pinterest)

Usually I liked how i looked, but today I couldn't look at myself. I didn't put any makeup on because I knew it would be smudged but he end of the day. After that I grabbed my high top Air Force ones. I got up and walked out of the door and made my way down the stairs to see Pedri standing there. He held a cup of coffee and when he saw me he hugged me. I started to feel the tears come back up, but is stepped back and shook it off. He handed me the coffee and I thanked him. I know it was only 7:00 am but I was already ready for the day to be over. We stood there and waited for Gavi to come down. When he did he gave me another hug before walking out the door.

The car ride was silent and all I could do was soak up in the bad feelings. I wanted to close my eyes and wake up realizing that this was all a dream. I tried, I closed my eyes and opened them, but every time I was still sitting in the car. When we walked into Camp Nou I followed them to the locker room this time. I walked in and I sat down in Gavi's cubby letting my head fall back to lean against the side of it. After Gavi was done getting ready he turned to me and laid his head on my shoulder. "You do realize that it is going to be okay? One day we will make a family and you can be happy." Gavi said, keeping his head where it was. "I can only hope, '' I said without emotion.

The team got ready and we all walked out onto the field.  When we made it out on the field Xavi noticed me and pulled me off to the side. "Savannah what are you doing here? '' he looked concerned. "I am here to be with my family. '' I said, forcing out a smile. I really did want to be here. After he hugged me and walked back to the team I went over and laid down on the side of the field. I could feel the sun burn my skin, but I didn't want to move. I laid there and looked up at the blue sky. I could hear the boys yelling and laughing. I so badly wish that I could be laughing too.

Gavi's POV

I was running drills and I looked over to see Sav laying in the sun. She was on her side facing the field watching us. I felt so bad for her, I wished that I could go and bring her family back just because I hated seeing her so upset. I just want to eat up her sadness. When Xavi called a water break, I instead ran over to Sav and laid down next to her and grabbed her. "What happened to you?" she said, gasping for air from underneath me. "I just want to see you happy again" I said, not loosening my grip on her. she stuck her hands in my hair and started to cry even harder. "No no no. I am sorry didn't mean for you to cry harder" I said getting off her. "No, I just can't with today. I just wish that I could hug them. One. More. Time." She tried to stay in between sobs. I just leaned into her and hugged her. She cried into me harder, I just sat there and rubbed her back. I felt like I was dying inside because I hated seeing her cry.

Xavi came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I turned around and stood up. "I think you two should go home today" he said to me looking down at the distraught girl sitting on the ground. I nodded in agreement and helped her stand up. We walked off the field and to the car where Pedri drove us home. When we got there she went over and flopped down on the couch. We both walked in after him and sat down. I grabbed her and pulled her into my lap. "I am hungry," she says quietly and weakly. "What do you want?" Pedri said back to her. "I want-" she stopped, "I want BBQ wings." Pedri stood up "okay I will go find some good ones" he said to her and patted her on the head before walking out the door.

We sat there in silence for a while. "What do you want to do?" I asked her. "I just want to be with you" she responds dead I could tell she was choked up. She moved to where she was sitting in my lap. I had my arms around her and after a couple of minutes I could feel my shirt wet against my chest. I looked down to see that she was laying there crying. We were just sitting there when someone knocked on the door.

I stood up and walked over to open it and my eyes met a boy who looked to be about our age. I was just standing there looking at him when he said "is Savannah Monroe here." I just looked at him then turned to Sav laying on the couch. "There is someone there for you," I said to her. She stood up and looked at me confused. She walks over to the door and whence sees the boy standing there she just walks up and hugs him. "I am so sorry I didn't come looking for you" he said as she cried in his arms. "Gavi this is a cousin of mine" she walks back over to me and grabs my hand. "It is good to see you, but in the end I have nothing left to say to you" she says then steps back and closes the door in his face. She turns her back to the door and flops down on the ground with her back to the door. I sit down next to her and we just sit in silence.

30 minutes later we hear Pedri trying to get in so we stand up so he can walk through the door. When he gets in he hands her a to go box. "Thanks" she said, taking it and walking to the kitchen to start eating. Watching her eat while she held back tears was the hardest thing I have ever done. Once she finished I looked at her and she stood up. "Lets watch a movie" she said standing up and walking into the living room. I walked in after her and we both laid down on the couch. We turned on a movie and she just laid on me. I knew she wasn't listening, I knew she was thinking about her family, but there was nothing I could do. Instead I just made sure she felt safe and loved.

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