The Fight

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A/N: I just wanted to give you guys the opportunity to give your input. I there anything you would like to see happen in story? If so just let me know and I will see if I can fit it in.

We pulled up to the stadium and all three of us hopped out. "Excited? Nervous? How are we feeling?" I asked the boys who had barely spoken the whole car ride. They just looked at me with the same blank expression on their face. "Nervous. Got it." I said back to myself and we walked inside peacefully.

The fans had already gathered and I heard some of them yelling at us. Gavi and Pedri both decided to go over to them and sign some autographs. A couple of people even came over to me and it was pretty fun meeting fans. Well that was until this creepy man kept trying to get my attention while I was talking to a group of what looked to be 15 year old boys. I didn't like the way he made me feel, but it was almost impossible to avoid him.

I put on a fake smile and greeted the man. Bad decision because, even though we were around thousands of people. He still stuck his arms out and grabbed me. I screamed and a fan grabbed him causing him to let go of me. He did it kind of quickly because I fell back.

I was about to hit the ground when I felt two hands catch me. I turned to see it was Gavi. He and Pedri were looking at me concerned. I knew they were nervous and I didn't want to add to it, so I played off the situation even though I was kind of shaken up.

After that we decided to go in. We walked straight to the locker room and met up with the other boys. Xavi came in to give them a pre-game speech and I decided to let the team have some time without me. I kissed Gavi and waved to the boys before walking out.

Xavi had hired another assistant for me and today was the first day he was going to be on his own on the field. So, I walked to my seat with the other WAGS. I was sitting in a group with Anna, Mikky, and Sira. When I got there they screamed and hugged me. I guess it was a happy surprise I was sitting with them.

The boys took the field and while my eyes were roaming they subconsciously fell on a random player. The random player happened to be the same guy who sent me threatening DMs. Marcus Rashford.

I guess he noticed me too because he smiled a fake smile at me and waved. This caused all the girls to look at me confused and I just shook it off avoiding their questions.

Gavi's POV

The boys and I had just taken the field in time to see Rashford wave at Sav in the stands. I wanted to pounce on him right there, but Pedri stopped me. "Not worth it Gavi" he whispered to me after he calmed me down a little bit.

We took the field and did warm ups as normal. I tried not to pay attention to him at all, but he was just making me so mad.

I eventually calmed myself down and the game started as normal. The first part wasn't super exciting until Bruno Fernandez took out Pedri which caused him to have to be taken out of the game. I am not an irrational person, but when I turned around after checking on Pedri and saw him and Rashford laughing, it was game on from there.

I was super aggressive with the two. I could tell Rashford started to get worked up, but the first half ended before anything could happen.

The second half was a little crazier. Marcos scored early on and we were obviously all so proud how he bounced back after his father. This put the score at 1-0. Sadly a couple of minutes later Rashford scored and for his celebration I saw he was making his way over to girls. He said something to Say that caused them to start yelling at him. He just constantly ran away. After he made it back on the field I ran up to him and got all up in his face.

"You think harassing other guys' girlfriends makes you the shit. Well you are wrong." I said to him, making sure to look as scary as possible. "Well when your girlfriend is hot and you are not, yeah I am going to put pressure on her to leave you." He shot back. Some of the other guys on the field started to take notice and come over to us.

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