The Team Dinner

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I was standing in my bedroom looking at myself in the mirror. I never hated how I looked, but I always knew some things could be better. Something I always loved was my nose. No matter the angel it was a cute little button nose. I looked at it and smiled. I liked it because it fit the beauty standards but I also liked it because it was my mom's nose. I turn and walk into my closet. When I got here a week ago my mind wasn't on clothes, but finding a house and food. The good news is that My best friend, Makenzie, had given me a really pretty body tight , open back, emerald green dress. I put it on and instantly knew that was what I would wear.   

The Outfit:

The Outfit:

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(The Dress Is From Lucy In The Sky and the shoes are from Amazon)

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(The Dress Is From Lucy In The Sky and the shoes are from Amazon)

I make my way into the kitchen of my apartment to find my phone. I was going to call an Uber because the dinner starts at 6 and it is 5:30. It took me a while, but when. I found my phone I saw a text from pedri saying, "Gavi and I will pick you up 5:45, we don't like the idea of you alone in an Uber" I smiled, I didn't know if this was because they actually liked me or if this was because the Ubers here were actually scary. At 5:45 on the dot I got a text and started to walk downstairs. When I got downstairs I saw a car parked and started to walk over to it. Right before I got there Gavi jumped and at the same time was saying "let me open that for you." Then finally taking a breath to notice me stopped cold in his tracks. He looked me up and down slowly. I looked down at my dress wondering if something was wrong, but when I saw I was all good and looked up at him he had the biggest smile on his face. "You look really good" he leans into me to whisper it into my ear. Butterflies erupt in my stomach. I smile and slide into the car.

We start driving. It was quiet at first but then pedi started talking to me. Asking me questions about where I was from (USA) and what sports I played when I was younger (soccer, golf, basketball, dance, field hockey, and volleyball) after that answer they looked at me in awe. I was confused at my grade school. It was normal to play every sport under the sun, so I did. The conversation then shifted to how I got to Barca from the USA. I was reluctant to say anything because I didn't want a trauma dump before what is supposed to be a good night. "My family died in a car accident and I wanted to follow my dreams" is all I said before silence flooded us again. I wanted to start crying, but I felt a warm hand on my thigh. I looked to see Gavi had slid his hand through the slit on the door and had grabbed onto my leg. I look up into the rear view to see him smile back at me. I was broken out of my daze by Pedri telling us we were here.

Gavi got out and opened the door for me. If you couldn't tell my heels were high so I needed all the help I could get. I get out and fix a crinkle on my dress. It was a little chilly out, but really the breeze just reminded me of my favorite time back home. Gavi and Pedri start to walk in, but legs won't move no matter how much I try. They don't notice until the door, but when they get there they turn around and look at me with concerned stares. I give them an 'I can't do it look' . They haven't known me long enough to know my selection of facial expressions, so I expected them not to know what I was trying to say, but to my surprise they did. They walk back over to me and tell me it is going to be ok, that I am exactly the vibe of the team, and that all the guys are staring at us through the windows so we need to move. I finally calm down enough to take control of my body and start to walk forward. We reach the door and Gavi tries to open it for me. I swat his hand away "I can do it myself this is a big moment for me" he puts his hands up as though I was arresting him "ok pequena whatever you say". I smile a sarcastic smile and turn to walk in. It only took me five seconds to realize where we would be sitting. Not many other parties in the restaurant were 30 buff dudes in suits. I walk over to them and they cheer. I smile.

I go to sit down, but Gavi guides me to a different part of the table next to him. I am blushing a little bit, but I make sure to keep it under control. He starts to introduce me to all the players by name. They were all super nice and Ansu Fati reminded me of my best friend (Makenzie) the way he laughed and smiled. I wanted to get up and talk to him, but it would be weird, I knew I would get there eventually, but not now.

The dinner was great. Laughing with the team was the best. I was stuffed and tired from a long day. I looked up at Pedri with tired eyes and hoped he knew what I was trying to say. Seconds later I got a text from him asking if I wanted to leave. I replied with "yes" and started to stand up to say goodbye to everyone. as I stood up I felt a warm hand on the part of my dress that was open at the back. I knew it was Gavi supporting me. I was only freshly 18 so drinking wasn't the problem. The heels were. When we got to the car I got in the back. This time we were also driving Pablo Toree because he was wasted. At first I thought he would be in the back with me, but in reality he sat up front and Gavi got in the back. It was a long drive home and I could feel the effects of the full stomach and crisp air of the night coming into the window. My eyes start to close, but I keep jolting awake. I knew I could trust these guys, but I had only known them for a few hours and I didn't want them to be uncomfortable. Nevertheless the next time I closed my eyes I didn't open them again.

I was woken up for a brief second to hear voices talking and my body being picked up, but I was so tired I don't think I really realized what was happening. Then a couple of minutes later I felt my body hit a really soft surface and the door closed. I was out cold.

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