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3rd POV

A scream echoes throughout the busy streets of Musutafu Japan. Going there we see a shootout commencing. Cops dive behind their cars as a minigun is fired nearly hitting them. 

Villain: "Stay back if you know what's good for you!"

With the cops we see two looking at each other.

Cop1: "We're sitting ducks with his gun locked on us!"

Cop2: "No shit! We've gotta take him down!"

Cop1: "But that's impossible without getting close! Where the hell's the pros!?"

Cop2: "Five miles out!"

Cop2: "We'll be dead by the time they get here!"

Villain: "Give up pigs, this' where you die!!"

Cop1: "Not on your life!!!"

The villain laughs resuming fire on the cops. But he's soon violently yanked off his feet eliciting a scream. When the gunfire stops the cops poke their heads out. Their eyes widen seeing the villain being suspended from a lamppost.

Cop2: "What the hell?"

They look closer and narrow their eyes seeing webs.

Cop1: "Great. He's here."

Cop2: "Call for S.W.A.T. And tell them to bring the strongest tranq they got."

Going inside the bank we see villains emptying the bank of all its money. One then shouts looking up from his tablet.

Villain2: "Hurry up. Pros will be here in less than two minutes."

Villain3: "Finishing up now."

Zipping up the final bag them and three other villains group up each carrying a bag overflowing with money. 

Villain3: "The getaway vehicle ready?"

Villain2: "Yep. Let's just hurry."

Voice: "You lot do know that stealing from the bank is against the law, right?"

They all look to see a kid leaning against the vault door.

Villain3: "Get lost bug."

Kid: "Name calling isn't very nice."

The leader rolls his eyes turning his back to the kid.

Villain3: "Waste him."

Kid: "You just made a big mistake."

He crouches down as the villains aim machine guns at him. With a smile he leaps over the gunfire clinging to the ceiling. One goon ceases fire aiming at him. Attaching a web strand to his face he's yanked face first into the marble floor. 

Villain3: "Quit dicking around, kill him!"

He drops down running towards the villains. He moves already punching one villain off the ground. Grabbing their ankle he swings them into a pillar. With a smile he ducks as a gun hits where his head just was.

Villain4: "Crap!"

His chest is kicked sending him flying away. But two web strands attach to his chest ceasing his travel. With a shout he's swung down onto two more villains taking all three out. The kid smiles facing the leader.

Kid: "Just you and me now."

He leaps bringing down a right hook. The leader smiles as his body turns to metal. Upon contact the kid yelps waving his bruised hand. 

Kid: "Seriously!?!"

Villain: "What's the matter? Did that hurt the little baby?"

The kid's fists clench as he shouts in annoyance.

Kid: "I'll show you baby!!!!"

He zooms in sending the villain upwards with an uppercut to the chin. Grabbing his ankles he's swung around. Clipping several pillars he's let go going through the ceiling. Slingshotting himself upwards he reaches the villain as they reach peak altitude. Then wrapping his legs around the villain the kid continuously punches him as they begin making their descent.

Kid: "This! Is! For! Hurting! My! Hand!"

Cupping his fists he brings them down sending the villain rocketing back into the bank. But before he can go splat he's engulfed by web being suspended a couple feet off the ground. The kid lands safely standing beside the villain.

Villain3: "Curse you bug."

The kid sighs.

Kid: "Did getting your butt kicked really not teach you some manners?"

Suddenly the doors leading into the bank burst open as pro heroes storm the place.

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