Assault On Overhaul

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Those three days had quickly passed. Now's the time to face Overhaul. I land outside his building. Entering I see him waiting for me.

Overhaul: "Have you reached a decision?"

Y/N: "Yes. I'll join you."

He smiles.

Overhaul: "That's wonderful to hear. I cannot wait to-"

The building rumbles.

Overhaul: "What's happening?"

I look out the window.

Y/N: "Pros. Must've followed me."

Overhaul: "Figures. Follow me."

I follow him when we arrive at lone room.

Overhaul: "Might wanna hold onto something."

The room shifts and warps changing completely. It stops revealing a long corridor. 

Overhaul: "This way."

The room rumbles as a hole is blown through the wall. All Might then appears.

All Might: "I must say vigilante scum. This' a new low. Siding with a no good villain. I knew you weren't any different."

Y/N: "What can I say? Just grew tired of being hunted."

All Might: "No matter. I'll take you down so that you can finally be punished."

Overhaul starts taking off a glove. I hold my arm out.

Y/N: "No. He's all mine."

He puts his glove back on.

Overhaul: "Just hurry up."

I nod as Overhaul disappears from sight. I attach a web strand to All Might's face pulling myself to him. I kick his jaw but he remains unfazed. He grabs my chest slamming me into the ground. He goes to stomp on me but I catch his foot. I fire two web strands at the ceiling pulling us upward.

Flipping us around I fire another two web strands at the ground. I pull slamming my feet into his chest. We hit the ground. The floor gives way as we hit another level. The floor cracks sending us down another level. We keep doing this until we drop four levels.

All Might: "That seemed excessive."

I hop off him as he gets to his feet.

Y/N: "Had to make it look real."

All Might: "Either way. We're separated now."

We both look at our surroundings.

All Might: "To think all of this was hiding right under us."

He looks forward seeing several openings.

All Might: "It's like a maze down here."

Y/N: "Stay focused. This place has the ability to shift and warp."

All Might: "Meaning if we're not careful we could get stuck down here for forever."

Y/N: "Yeah."

All Might: "So many passageways. Which way is the right one?"

I look pointing to the passageway second form the right.

Y/N: "I vote that one."

All Might: "Then let's choose it."

We walk down that passageway. At first nothing happens. That is until a massive hulking man appears.

Y/N: "That's not good."

Man: "Today must be my lucky day. I get to kill an illegal vigilante and the top hero."

All Might: "You go. I'll join when I can."

Y/N: "You sure?"

He smiles cracking his knuckles.

All Might: "Yeah. Besides, been a long time since I let loose."

I nod running past the hulking brute. I run down the passageway when again I come across opposition. This time in the form of a man with metal gloves and a weird mask.

Y/N: "Who're you?"

Kendo: "My name is Kendo Rappa. And I must say it is an honor to be facing you."

Y/N: "Thanks I guess."

Kendo: "I had heard tales of your strength. Show me they're not nothing more then embellishments."

He rushes at me easily closing the distance between us. He goes for a right hook which forces my arm up. Upon contact my arm lights up with pain.

Y/N: "He packs a punch. I'll give him that."

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