Join My School

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He takes a long sip from his glass.

Nezu: "As you're aware vigilante's are highly illegal. If one's spotted they're tracked down mercilessly until they're brought to justice. I highly believe that is excessive. I've been keeping track of you. I've seen the good you've done. Which is why I believe you shouldn't be arrested. You greatly help the people of this country. You're a great help."

He sets his glass down.

Nezu: "I understand you wanna help people. But since you're not affiliated an agency you're gonna have the law standing against you. Which is why I wanna enroll you into my school."

Y/N: "Why your school?"

Nezu: "Being the man I am I have a lot of high positioned friends. All I have to do is give them a call and they can keep the cops off your tail."

Y/N: "Can you really do that?"

He smiles.

Nezu: "Of course."

Y/N: "Why're you helping me?"

He leans forward. 

Nezu: "I admire you Y/N. I appreciate the work you do. You have the makings of a truly great hero. If you attend my school I can help keep you out of trouble. You can attend until you can join an agency where you can legally save people. Whaddaya say?"

I think. I then look at him.

Y/N: "I just wanna help keep people safe. If going here helps me do it without worrying about being arrested, then I'll gladly join your school."

He shows a deep smile.

Nezu: "That's wonderful to hear. Now granted you'll still need to take the same practical exam as all new students."

Y/N: "I'll ace that exam."


I find myself walking into UA. Gripping my duffle bag tightly I enter heading to an auditorium. There a guy dressed like a rockstar shouts.

Rockstar: "How you doing UA dudes and dudettes!?! Come on and let me hear you!!!"

There's nothing but silence. 

Rockstar: "Keeping it mellow huh, I respect it. I'll get right to the good stuff. Are you ready!?!"

Once more, silence.

Rockstar: "Like your application says you'll all be partaking in two minute mock battles in a suburban setting. When I finish here you'll head to your specific battle centers, ya dig?"

I look at my application.

Y/N: "Seems like I'm in battle center B."

Rockstar: "Now let's move onto your targets. There's three types per battle center. You earn points based on their difficulty, so be sure to choose wisely. You goal in this exam is to shred these villains like a mid song solo. But be sure to keep things heroic. That means no attacking fellow UA candidates."

Boy: "Excuse me. I have a question."

Rockstar: "Let me hear it."

Boy: "Our application lists four villain types yet you mentioned three. If this' a mistake on UA it's shameful. We're exemplary students who expect only the best from Japan's most notable hero school."

Rockstar: "Well said. I admit there's four types of villains. But that one is worth a grand total of zero points so try to avoid it. It's not difficult, it's just there's kinda no point. Your main goal are the ones topping the charts."

Boy: "Thank you for clearing my confusion."

Rockstar: "That's all I've got for you. Good luck. I hope you hit more than the books."

I now stand at a large gate. Looking over the sea of students I see them showing various levels of nervousness. I then spot a boy with messy green hair talking to himself. I walk to him.

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