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Before the sun even rises me and the others stand in the woods with Aizawa in front of us.

Aizawa: "Good morning. Today we'll begin training that'll increase your strength. Our goal is to increase your skills so that you may gain your provisional license. This'll allow you to face the dangers that fester in the darkness."

He tosses a ball that Bakugo catches.

Aizawa: "When you first started your record was seven hundred and five point two meters. Let's see if you've improved at all."

He reels back his arm. He then tosses the ball with aid of an explosion. It leaves quickly getting out of our line of sight.

Aizawa: "Seven hundred and nine point six meters."

Bakugo: "What?"

Aizawa: "You've had only a single semester. While each having your own experiences, you've all definitely improved. But your quirks didn't improve on a fundamental level. Which's why we're focus on improving your power. It won't be easy, you'll feel as though you're dying. Let's hope you don't."

Everyone breaks apart. I go to do my own thing when Aizawa stops me.

Aizawa: "I have a special assignment for you. Back at the sports festival you fought with your eyes closed. I was impressed you did well, until you took a few hits. Why?"

I slightly sigh.

Y/N: "I haven't fully mastered that trick yet. My senses are still too sensitive."

Aizawa: "I thought so."

He pulls out a strip of cloth.

Aizawa: "Your assignment is to hone your senses. Hopefully when you leave you'll be able to fight without relying on your eyes."

I grab the strip covering my eyes with it. Immediately my senses are kicked into overdrive trying to get a feel of my surroundings.

Aizawa: "Good luck."

I nod turning around. But taking a step I trip over a root falling face first onto the ground.

Y/N: "Ow."

3rd POV

Aizawa rolls his eyes seeing Y/N fall onto the ground.

Aizawa: "He's got a lot of work to do."

Y/N gets up dusting himself off.

Y/N: "I'm good."

He walks away waving his foot to search for anymore roots. Near the end of the day the students head back to the camp to see trays of food on a table.

Mineta: "Where's the food?"

Pixie-bob: "Remember? I said we're not serving you anymore."

Ragdoll: "Meaning you kids will have to make your own meals. Starting with curry."

The students take a position. Except Y/N.

Y/N: "Can someone help me?"

He's guided to the prep area.

Momo: "You can hand me the ingredients."

He nods.

Momo: "First I need the onions."

He pats the area. Grabbing round objects he hands them over.

Y/N: "Onions."

Momo: "Y/N, those're beets."

He laughs nervously.

Y/N: "I knew that."

Setting them down he tries again.

Momo: "Turnips."

He tries once more. This time he hands her cabbage. She pats his back.

Momo: "Why don't you focus on stirring the pot?"

Y/N: "Good idea."

Switching places she places the ingredients in the pot. When everything's in she hands the spoon to Y/N.

Momo: "Stir."

He nods stirring the pot. After some time all the students enjoy their handmade dinner. Y/N takes a bite being left unaware he's using the wrong untensil.

Deku: "This' really good."

Mina: "Yeah. If heroing doesn't work out we can fall on cooking."

Tokoyami: "It's good to have a backup career."

A couple days later the students stand in the forest. Pixie-bob then gets in front of them.

Pixie-bob: "Since you kids have been giving it your all it's only fair you get to have some fun with a good old test of courage."

Mina: "Yeah, bring it on!!"

Aizawa:" Hold it. The ones that failed the final exam will be with me doing extra school work."

Pixie-bob: "Class 1B shall be the scarers. When they're in place you guys will leave in pairs every three minutes. We have tags with your names on them at the end of the route. Collect them to win. The scarers aren't allowed to make physical contact. Therefore they'll be relying on their quirks. Got it?"

They all nod.

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