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3rd POV

After a couple minutes all the students have been paired up.

Pixie-bob: "Alright, you've got your partner. Now let's light this candle. Y/N you're first."

He walks into the clearing. He's jump scared by several class 1B students. But he remains unfazed. As he reaches the end he notices something off.

Y/N: "It's quiet. Too quiet."

He listens when footsteps are heard. Looking we see a villain in a yellow coat.

Mr. Compress: "You know it's dangerous to be in the woods alone."

Y/N: "Who are you?"

Mr. Compress: "I'm merely a messenger."

Y/N: "Then what's your message?"

Mr. Compress: "You've cordially invited to a sit down with my master. He wishes to have a word with you."

Y/N: "I'm afraid he'll have to wait. I'm training."

Mr. Compress: "No can do. His time is very valuable. He cannot afford to wait. You must see him this instant."

Y/N narrows his eyes.

Y/N: "Like I said. He'll have to wait."

There's a brief moment of silence. Mr. Compress then sighs.

Mr. Compress: "I tried peace. Now I'll have to use force."

He rushes at Y/N. He however limbos avoiding Mr. Compress' hand. Not deterred he brings his other hand down on Y/N's leg. He just moves it. When Mr. Compress' hand touches the ground a section disappears turning into a tiny marble. Y/N kicks his face sending him backwards. He collides into a tree instantly getting knocked out.

Y/N: "Too easy."

Voice: "Heads up."

He leaps narrowly dodging a tornado of blue fire. Landing his body tingles. Going into a duck he's spared from a flaming right hook. His stomach aches making him lean back. This prevents a claw strike from hitting him.

Dabi: "You're good. But let's see you dodge this."

He places his hands on the ground. A tsunami of fire heads for Y/N. He leaps easily clearing it. But listening to his body he uses web to yank himself to the left. This makes a fireball miss him by a hair. But more make their way to him. Firing a web strand he swings around the fireballs.

Dabi: "Now I've got you."

He hurls another fireball. It hits the web scorching it. This sends Y/N tumbling across the ground until he hits his back on an oak. He staggers to his hands and knees when Dabi slams his foot onto his back driving him into the dirt.

Dabi: "You're finished."

He kicks Y/N's jaw knocking him out. With a smile he grabs the back of Y/N's shirt as Mr. Compress joins him holding his jaw.

Dabi: "You got beaten by a child."

He narrows his eyes.

Mr. Compress: "A child that hits like a damn steel wall."

He moves his jaw side to side.

Mr. Compress: "I'm lucky he didn't break my jaw."

Dabi: "Let's just get out of here before any pros show up."

Mr. Compress: "Agreed."

They walk away where they escape with aid of Kuroguri. But as they leave we see a kid run away. 

Kota: "Must find help."

He runs through the forest when he comes across a building. Running inside he opens a door to see Aizawa.

Aizawa: "What're you doing here Kota?"

Kota: "Some kid just got taken!!!"

He kneels down in front of Kota.

Aizawa: "Slow down. Who got taken?"

He takes a deep breath.

Kota: "I don't know his name. But he had his eyes covered by a piece of cloth."

Aizawa's eyes widen.

Aizawa: "Y/N."

He stands facing Vlad.

Aizawa: "Gather the students. We're leaving."

He nods. Aizawa then looks down at Kota.

Aizawa: "The kidnappers. What did they look like?"

Kota: "One looked burnt. The other had on a yellow coat and top hat."

Aizawa pulls out his phone.

Nezu: "Yes?"

Aizawa: "Gather the heroes. We have a situation."

Nezu: "Right away."

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