Still Standing

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3rd POV

As Y/N lays on the ground a spotlight shines on All For One. Looking up we see it to be from a news helicopter.

Reporter: "Ladies and gentlemen I'm here at the sight of an ongoing fight. And it's not looking good."

The spotlight switches to Y/N who gets to his feet.

Reporter: "And the main combatant is the infamous vigilante."

Going to Y/N's house we see his step mom watching her TV with a look of fear.

Mom: "Hang in there Y/N."


I look at All For One with anger rising in me. I fire a web strand at him. He twists to the side grabbing the line.

AFO: "Not gonna be able to pull the same trick twice."

Lightning surrounds his hand before instantly traveling through my web into me. I scream as my entire body is lit up. Fighting through the pain I tug the strand pulling All For One to me. When he gets close I punch his jaw. He grabs my arm igniting his hand. Fire consumes my arm burning away my sleeve. My flesh is then slowly burned.

I deliver a quick jab to his ribs making him gasp. He grabs my forearm. Before he can pull the same trick I kick his chest sending him back. I look at my arm to see it blistered and leaking blood. My body tingles forcing my arm up. All For One's fist collides with my blisters sending pain all across my arm.

He then kicks my chest. I fly backwards when something impales my thigh. I look to see a chained blade going through my right thigh. All For One grabs the chain thwiping it downwards. I'm slammed face first onto the ground cratering it. I wobble to my hands and knees when a tornado of fire rains down on me.

3rd POV

When the flames subside Y/N is seen with a badly burnt costume. All For One grabs Y/N lifting him overhead.

AFO: "So long runt."

Without mercy he brings Y/N down on his knee. A loud crack is heard.

All Might: "No!!!!"

Y/N is dropped onto the ground. He remains unmoving.

Reporter: "I don't know how to say this. B-but... it looks like the vigilante is down for the count."

Going to various homes we see the students of 1A watching their nearest screen with mouths agape. Some cry while others remain too stunned to even react. But going to Y/N's house we see his step mom crying her eyes out. She grips her TV tightly.

Mom: "Get up Y/N... please."

All Might shows untold fury before rushing through the fire. But All For One smiles using earth to restrain All Might.

All Might: "You sick monster, I'll kill you!!!!"

AFO: "You cared about him. This must be breaking you. Watching him die, while you stood powerless."

He walks to All Might turning his arm into a blade. He then holds it to his neck.

AFO: "Well don't worry. You can join."

Gran Torino: "Look!!!!"

They all turn seeing Y/N slowly getting to his feet. ALL For One smiles.

AFO: "Remarkable. You truly are amazing."

Y/N fully stands but sways. Planting his foot he stands tall facing All For One

All For One: "You're a worthy opponent, which's why I shall grant you a favor. When I go after your step mother I promise her death be quick."

Y/N tears off his goggles and mask eyeing All For One with fury.

Y/N: "I'll kill you before you even get the chance."

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