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I smile seeing my toes move. Kai pats my back chuckling.

Kai: "Way to go kid."

Later that day I look at my feet which dangle just above the floor.

Kai: "You got this."

He scoots the upright walker closer. I scoot closer to the edge of the bed. When I grab the handles I hesitate. But with a deep breath I lift myself up. Immediately I fall but catch myself.

Kai: "Don't rush yourself."

I focus putting weight on my legs. They wobble threatening to buckle. I steel them standing straight. Kai claps.

Kai: "Congratulations, you've begun your road to recovery."

*next day*

I shuffle down the hall with Kai by my side.

Kai: "I've gotta say. You're moving pretty well now."

Y/N: "I'm just determined to heal."

He chuckles. Looking forward I see All Might.

All Might: "Back from the dead I see."

Y/N: "What can I say? It was just too boring."

He laughs joining us.

All Might: "Crime's been low, thanks to you."

Kai: "Yeah. It dropped by thirty percent. You've really performed a great service."

Y/N: "I merely fought a villain."

Kai: "Either way. That stunt proved to be even better than we expected."

Y/N: "Whaddaya mean?"

He makes his phone show several projections. Each shows all the support I'm getting. I smile seeing a spray painted image of me.

Kai: "People are starting to like you. They're going as far as to call you a legitimate hero. Heck you've even reached number fifteen in favorite aspiring hero."

He puts away his phone.

Kai: "What you did disrupted a lot of the stigma on vigilantes. If things keep going like this then pretty soon vigilantes will no longer be viewed as reckless criminals."

All Might: *pats back* "All your hard work is paying off."

I smile when something hits me.

Y/N: "The other students. They're bound to question why I'm gone."

All Might: "Relax. Nezu has it all covered. He said you're with a recovering family member."

I breathe a sigh of relief.

Y/N: " Thank goodness."


A couple days later I get to my feet. My legs wobble but I replant my feet ceasing the wobbling. I then smile standing up straight. Kai looks at the doctor.

Kai: "Well?"

She looks at her clipboard.

Doctor: "His report shows good results. But I'd still feel better if he rested for another two days. Just to make sure."

Y/N: "I've rested for eight days. That's plenty of rest."

I take a step partially falling over. Kai and the doctor jolt to catch me. I however stop offering them a smile.

Y/N: "Got it."

They exhale worriedly. Meanwhile I chuckle. Later that day I walk with Kai down the hall. Reaching our destination I look at a glass case which's housing my shredded costume.

Y/N: "Dang."

Kai: "Yeah. It got really trashed. It's a miracle it wasn't fully destroyed."

Y/N: "Can you fix it?"

Kai: "Yeah. We're even gonna make some upgrades. Problem is that it'll take some time. Meaning you'll need a new suit for when you're fighting crime."

He pulls out a remote pressing one of its buttons. The case rotates revealing a new suit.

*there's also goggles and a face mask*

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*there's also goggles and a face mask*

Y/N: "Wow. So sleek."

Kai: "I figured you'd like it. It's weaved out of spectra fabric. Meaning it'll be able to take all the abuse expected from the hero life. It's also great at repelling water and most chemicals."

Y/N: "I can't wait to wear it."

Kai: "I know you're excited to try out your new toy. But the doc said you're to not do any hero work at least another three days. You gotta give the swelling in your back time to go down. If you don't then it'll seriously mess up your spine."

I lower my head in a sad manner.

Y/N: "O-kay."

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