Bare Knuckle Brawling

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I flip over Kendo getting in his blind spot. I deliver a right kick but he blocks it with his own leg.

Kendo: "Try harder."

He slams his other foot into my ribs making them crack. I grit my teeth grabbing his neck. I drive him into the ground cracking it. He double kicks my chest sending me into the wall. I fix myself landing feet first onto the wall.

With a push I rocket myself towards kendo. I fire web strands into the ceiling pulling myself over him. Attaching two to his sides I kick his back sending him forward. He skids across the floor sliding to a stop on all fours.

Kendo: "Not bad. But now it's my turn."

He takes off to me at blinding speed. He disappears appearing above me. I cross my arms as he brings his fists down on me. The impact cracks the ground sending us a level lower. As we fall I kick his chest launching him away. 

He slides to a stop running towards me. Thinking fast I pull two floor chunks to me. Holding them tight I bring them down on him. He slides to the side avoiding the attack. He delivers a right hook that collides with my left kidney.

I grit my teeth swinging a floor chunk at him. He punches right through it shattering. I go for a kick but he moves away rapidly punching my right side. My ribs light up as pain now consumes my right side. 

Y/N: "Enough of this."

I leap getting above Kendo. I hurl the remaining floor chunk at him. As expected he punches it to tiny pieces. However I use the debris to my advantage. I crawl on the ceiling getting behind him.

Kendo: "Where'd you go?"

I kick behind his knee taking him down to his other one. He twists his body to face me. I however deliver a right hook that collides with his jaw. The impact sends him spinning until he hits the wall. 

Y/N: "Do you yield?"

He looks at me as fury clouds his eyes.

Kendo: "I will never yield!!!"

He rushes at me far faster than ever before. I can only brace my body as his fists come in. Punch after punch my body is bombarded with pain. I try to swing at him but he just moves attacking my blind spot.

Kendo: "I refuse to lose, especially to a no good outlaw like you!!!"

I grit my teeth hearing that word. Outlaw, what a truly hurtful word. I wish they'd quit calling me that. All I'm doing is trying to help. With fury growing inside me I finally catch his fist.

Y/N: "I really hate that word."

I twist my hand making his arm crack. He screams in pain going for a left hook. I catch it bending his arm until it pops. He backs up as his arms hang limp. 

Kendo: "What the heck are you?"

I web his face. With a hard tug downwards I bring him down in the scorpion position. He's instantly knocked out ending the fight. I sigh relaxing my body. 

Voice: "Nice fight."

I look to see All Might. In terms of damage, his costume is shredded with his entire right arm exposed.

Y/N: "How'd you fair?"

All Might: "He was tougher than I first thought. Really put up a fight. Just sad it's over now."

I roll my eyes.

All Might: "But you, how're you holding up?"

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