Field Gamma

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I look at the vambraces as the main part spins around.

Y/N: "What's it store?"

Kai: "Elemental web capsules. It's good to have variety."

I look at my shoes which now take the form of boots.

Y/N: "These?"

Kai: "Thruster boosters. They'll put some extra strength in your leaps. They're also impact absorbing, meaning you won't break anything when you land."

He looks over my costume.

Kai: "I also took the liberty of weaving spectra fibers into your costume. That'll keep it from getting trashed too quickly."

He gets closer.

Kai: "I also added a modification to your goggles. Wink to activate it."

I do. The world changes to thermal.

Y/N: "Thermal?"

Kai: "Yep. It'll help if night vision isn't enough."

I wink again deactivating the thermal.

Kai: "I left you one final surprise. It's in the bottom of the crate."

I look inside spotting a box. Popping open the lid I see two bracelets.

Y/N: "Bracelets?"

Kai: "Press the yellow button."

I press it. The bracelets unfold taking the form of gauntlets. The wrist section then rotates locking something in.

Kai: "Since you can't exactly suit up at school I crafted these. They're equipped with riot rounds. Non lethal but will leave one heck of a mark. Now you can fight without suiting up."

I smile reverting the gauntlets. Setting them down I hug Kai.

Y/N: "Thank you. You've helped me so much. I can't hope to repay you."

He smiles returning my hug.

Kai: "Don't even worry about it. I'm just happy to help out a hero."

3rd POV 

Later that day Y/N leaves Kai's agency. As he does a man walks up to Kai.

Kai: "What is it?"

Man: "You're gonna wanna take a look at this."

He holds out his phone. This lets him see a picture of two strangers.

Kai: "When was this taken?"

Man: "Two nights ago. At three in the morning."

Kai: "Odd time for a visit. What were they doing here?"

He swipes through his phone.

Man: "No clue. Nothing was broken into."

Kai: "Check the servers. May have been another corporate spy."

Man: "Right away sir."

He walks away when he stops looking at Kai.

Man: "Before I forget. The police chief was here again. Says he really wants to ask you a couple questions."

Kai: "Tell him I'm busy. It's not easy running an agency."

Man: "He said you'd say that. Which is why he said he'd be dropping by at the end of the week."

Kai scoffs.

Kai: "Figures. Very well. Tell him I eagerly await his arrival."

Man: "Will do."


I land near school entering it. Going inside I see everyone heading away. I join them.

Deku: "There you are. Where've you been?"

Y/N: "Around. So what're we doing?"

Denki: "We're about to beat class 1B's butts!"

Y/N: "For what?"

Momo: "To see where we're both at in terms of combat."

Y/N: "Then this should be fun."

We arrive at some place called field gamma.

All Might: "Greetings class 1A. Today you'll be facing against the students of class 1B. You'll have this entire city to mess around in. The rules are simple. Two teams will go head to head. When one team is fully captured the opposing team wins. Sound good?"

We all nod.

All Might: "Good. Then let's begin. The teams have already been predetermined."

A screen is shown. 

All Might: "The order of the matches will be as seen. Now hurry up, we're burning daylight."

I get into place as my teammates join me.

Y/N: "You guys ready?"

Denki: "Born ready."

Sero: "Bring on the challenge."

Kirishima: "Let's wreck some faces!!"

All Might: "Let the match, begin!!!"

A buzzer sounds beginning the fight. Instantly my spine tingles making me leap. Vines shoot out of the ground completely covering the area. To make matters worse massive barrels rain down on us. I take another leap getting higher. This makes my opponents surround me.

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