Post Festival

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I groggily open my eyes. The second they are I'm graced with the same room from my first time at UA.

Recovery Girl: "Long time no see Y/N."

I look seeing her looking at a screen.

Y/N: "What'am I in for this time?"

Recovery: "Burns. You're lucky you have a durability that rivals All Might's. If not then you would've likely lost that arm of yours."

I recall looking at my right arm. It's then I notice my hand and forearm wrapped in bandages. 

Y/N: "How bad?"

Recovery Girl: "First degree. Some have second but they'll leave only minor sacring. My advice, don't go punching a tornado of fire."

I half smile.

Y/N: "Will do."

The door opens revealing Aizawa and Present Mic.

Present Mic: "There he is. Mister big shot."

Y/N: "Hey."

Aizawa: "How you holding up?"

Y/N: "Fine. Doc said I'll live."

Present Mic: "Something I wanna know. You displayed several quirks throughout the festival. How?"

I go slightly wide eyed. I then relax.

Y/N: "I can copy any quirk I see. When I've seen it I can use it anytime I want."

They nod.

Present Mic: "I see. Thanks for enlightening us."

Aizawa: "Hope to see you in class tomorrow."

Y/N: "I'll be there."

The next day I duck avoiding a bolt of lightning. 

Y/N: "You nearly hit me!"

Man: "That's the point."

A lightning aura surrounds him. In an instant he zips to me delivering an uppercut. I limbo narrowly dodging it.

Y/N: "Missed me."

I kick his chest but it opens up revealing lightning for innards.

Man: "Surprise."

Grabbing my ankle he zips away as a lightning bolt. I get slammed into various objects creating untold damage. As I get swung into a cell tower my phone rings.

Nezu: "Is now a bad time?"

Y/N: "Little bit."

Backflipping onto the tower I run up it.

Man: "Get back here!"

He rapidly zips upwards quickly closing the distance between us. Perching at the top the villain appears above me.

Man: "Give up vigilante. You can't beat me. My quirk is too much for you."

Y/N: "You really like to boast. That's not good."

He grits his teeth.

Man: "Insufferable runt."

I leap downwards as he fires a beam of lightning. Getting to ground the villain appears readying another beam.

Man: "Any last words?"

Y/N: "Yeah. You got hydrophobia?"

Kicking a fire hydrant water sprays out. Then placing my foot on it I angle it at the villain. He's bombarded by water smothering his lightning. Pinching the hydrant shut the villain gasps as his quirk peters out.

Man: "Curse you."

I look over my shoulder to see cops arriving.

Cop: "I got a clear shot on the vigilante!!"

I leap as a gunshot rings out. Swinging away I land on a building ledge. I then call Nezu back.

Y/N: "Free now. There something you need?"

Nezu: "As you know internships are coming up."

Y/N: "Yeah."

Nezu: "Normally you'd join an agency to do so."

Y/N: "I'm sensing a but."

Nezu: "But I have a special agency picked out for you."

Y/N: "Neat. Which is it?"

Nezu: "One that belongs to a friend of mine. Don't worry. He's trustworthy. Meaning you don't have to worry about being reported to the authorities."

Y/N: "When do I meet him?"

Nezu: "Within the hour. Sending you the address now."

I hang up being met with a text message. 

Y/N: "That's not far."

Leaping I swing towards the location of the agency. Only a couple minutes later I land in front of the agency.

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