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I look out of the window as the buildings pass me by. I then look to the side to see Kai typing on his phone.

Y/N: "So go over this interview one last time."

Kai: "It's simple. You're gonna talk to a woman who's the head of the hero image community. You're gonna answer her questions as truthfully as you can. Be sure to focus on the good. But be warned. She has a habit of asking sensitive questions. Answer wrong and you'll end up digging your own grave. Other than that you've got it made."

Y/N: "No pressure."

After a couple minutes we arrive at our destination. I look up at the massive building.

Y/N: "Is it normal for my heart to sound like a weedwhacker?"

Kai: "Just some butterflies. You'll survive."

We walk inside.

Kai: "Is Ms. Tilly in?"

Receptionist: *filing nails* "What's your reason for being here?"

Kai: "I brought the vigilante with me. He's scheduled for an interview."

She slightly sighs pressing a button on her phone.

Receptionist: "Ms. Tilly, that lawbreaker's here."

I clench my jaw. Kai looks at me. I relax.

Phone: "Send him up."

Receptionist: "Take the elevator to the thirtieth floor."

We ride the elevator up. As soon as the doors open we see a woman yelling at her phone.

Woman: "Well tell him that if he don't agree I'll ruin his reputation faster than he can take a piss!!!!! I don't care if it's mean, I want that interview! Just do it!!!"

She hangs up making me look at Kai.

Y/N: "Please don't tell me..."

He smiles walking to her.

Kai: "Ms. Hana Tilly. A pleasure to see you."

She shows an indifferent look.

Hana: "Who're you?"

Kai: "Kai, owner of the Kai agency."

Hana: "Doesn't ring any bells."

Kai: "I took in the vigilante."

Her personality completely changes.

Hana: "Ah yes, what brings you to my humble studio?"

Kai: "You wanted to interview him."

He points over shoulder at me. I wave.

Y/N: "Hello."

She gets in my bubble smiling.

Hana: "So you're the infamous vigilante. This' gonna be fun."

I gulp silently, please let this end well. Hana's watch beeps making her look at it.

Hana: "Let's get started."

I now find myself sitting while a girl riggs a microphone to my chest. I look to the side as Kai gives me a thumbs up. 

Camera: "And we're live in five, four, three, two-"

He points as a light comes on.

Hana: "Greetings citizens of Musutafu Japan. I'm Hana Tilly and today I have with me a very special guest. Please welcome the vigilante."

She looks at me.

Hana: "So tell me Vigilante, when exactly did you decide to fight crime?"

Y/N: "When I was thirteen."

Hana: "And why did you fight crime?"

Y/N: "Because it was the right thing to do."

Hana: "Explain."

Y/N: "All my life I had these unique powers. I could do things no one else could do. So I decided to use them to try and help people. Because it's like someone close to me said. If you've got the skills to make a difference, then you have every right to."

She smiles.

Hana: "Including breaking the law?"

Uh oh.

Y/N: "No."

Hana: "Yet you do it every time you quote unquote 'make a difference."

Y/N: "I'm only trying to help people."

Hana: "So you claim. Let's see what the good citizens have to say."

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