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Tsuyu runs towards the exit. Meanwhile I look at Ectoplasm.

Ectoplasm: "That was either brave or foolish."

Y/N: "Probably a little bit of both."

He smiles before sending a right kick to my face. Not fazed I double kick his chest knocking him back. But before he can go too far I attach web strands to his chest. Pulling I hoist him over my shoulder onto the ground. 

He gets to his feet ejecting more clones. They rush in to attack me. With a leap I go over them heading for Ectoplasm. But when I get close he emits a bunch of smoke covering the area. I look but can't see anything.

Y/N: "I've got a very bad feeling about this."

It's proven right as a massive hand comes down on me. Backflipping I stick to a pillar. But my body forces me to leap missing another hand. As I go through the air a pegleg slams into my chest. I crash into the wall when all the smoke clears. This graces me the sights of a massive version of Ectoplasm.

Ectoplasm: "Still think you can take me on?"

I smile.

Y/N: "Yes."

I jump swinging around the massive Ectoplasm. He waves his hands in an attempt to strike me down. With aid of web I pull myself out of the way of his hands. Now in close I cling to his face.

Ectoplasm: "Get off me!"

I drop down making him smack himself in the face. I rush in when he swings his pegleg into my chest. I fly backwards crashing into a pillar. Hitting the ground I hear cracking. I look up catching the pillar. I then smile getting an idea.

Ectoplasm: "Feel like giving up yet?"

Y/N: "Not on your life."

Bringing the pillar back I rush at Ectoplasm. He brings his hand down on me. I however side step swinging the pillar. It hits his face knocking him back. As he tumbles back I slam the pillar into his chest. He hits his back on a balcony falling onto his butt. 

Y/N: "You're finished."

I leap bringing the pillar back. I then bring it down on his head. However before it can make contact a buzzer goes off.

Speaker: "Tsuyu escaped. Team Y/N and Tsuyu final exam, passed."

I smile dropping the pillar.

Y/N: "Good job Tsuyu. I knew you could do it."

I look at Ectoplasm as he reverts to normal size.

Y/N: "That was one heck of a fight."

He smiles.

Ectoplasm: "Yeah. If it gone on longer you might've won."

I hold out my hand.

Y/N: "Maybe next time we can have a rematch and find out if I can win."

He grabs my hand shaking it.

Ectoplasm: "Looking forward to it."

Breaking the handshake I regroup with Tsuyu.

Y/N: "Nice job making it to the end."

Tsuyu: "Thanks. Couldn't have done it without you."

She shows a heart warming smile. She then looks at my arm.

Tsuyu: "Looks like you tore your clothes."

I look seeing a hole on my sleeve. I lightly grab it.

Y/N: "Dangit. This was my favorite shirt too. It's gonna be a hassle to fix it."

She laughs which I just find adorable.

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