Villain Vs Vigilante

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All For One turns to me smiling through his mask.

AFO: "Such harsh words. Not what a hero would say."

I grit my teeth clenching my fists. In an instant I fire a web strand. All For One easily dodges it. 

AFO: "Try-"

I pull quickly reaching All For One. Now close I kick his ribs letting out two cracks. He slouches as I punch his jaw. Now on the ground I grab his neck and run him across the ground. He turns his hand into dagger jamming it into me. 

I however catch his wrist before snapping it. He screams in pain when I kick him into the air.  When he's at a considerable height I use a web strand to yank him back down. He craters the ground. Getting to his feet he launches a tunnel of fire at me. 

I roll out of the way. With a leap I attach web strands that attach to ground beside him. Pulling I slam my feet onto him driving him into the ground. I pin his arms down and just punch his face repeatedly. One punch hits his mask making a prolonged hiss be heard. He catches my fist kicking me away.

AFO: "I was too soft on you, now I'll just have to kill you and scrape whatever remains of you off the ground!!!"

He hulks out quickly becoming four times bigger. 

AFO: "Face my quirks!!!"

He rushes at me with blinding speed. I twist barely dodging his right hook. Rolling I avoid his right leg. Grabbing it I spin him around. He however grabs the back of my jacket lifting me overhead.

I break his fingers making him drop me. He goes for another right kick but I hold up my arm bracing my body. His leg makes contact making all my arm bones ache. But gaining an opening I punch his knee severely breaking it. 

He screams in pain sending out a left hook. It hits my burnt arm splitting it open. I ignore the numbing pain bending his arm the other way. He bellows in pain as earth chunks head for me. I back flip over them. They however quickly change direction heading back for me.

Acting quick I leap. The chunks chases after me. But holding out my hands I fire multiple web strands. They all attach to an earth chunk. Grabbing the bundle of strands I swing them onto All For One. I fall onto my feet as silence fills the air. 

AFO: "Insufferable brat!!!!"

I limbo dodging his grasp. Grabbing his wrist I pull his arm to the side. He punches my back crippling it with pain. I grit my teeth sending out a right knee. It collides with his spine shattering it. We both fall onto the ground unmoving.

3rd POV

Everyone watches waiting to see who gets up. After a couple seconds Y/N gets to his feet. He sways replanting his feet. Standing tall he gives a thumbs up. The citizens of Japan cheer.

Reporter: "It's finally over. The fight is over. And the vigilante is the winner."

With his friend they explode into tears of happiness. His step mom cries uncontrollably thankful Y/N's alive. With him he lowers his arm falling over. But he's caught by All Might who holds him close. Y/N faintly opens his eyes.

Y/N: "Is it over?"

All Might smiles shedding a single tear.

All Might: "Yeah. It's over. You won."

Y/N smiles before passing out. All Might stands as police surround him.

Cop: "We'll be taking him now."

All Might: "Come on. The kid was just beaten within an inch of his life."

Civilians surround them.

Woman: "Leave him alone, he's a hero!"

Man: "Yeah!!!"

They stand up for Y/N. Fearing their safety they back down.

Cop: "Fine. But only because he's half dead. But know once he's healed we'll be coming after him. He's still an illegal hero."

All Might smiles.

All Might: "You won't ever catch him."

He turns around. He then walks to Nezu who exits a car.

Nezu: "How is he?"

All Might: "He needs medical attention, now."

Nezu: "I know just the place. Get in."

He enters the car where it soon takes off. Meanwhile on the roof of an adjacent building we see the league of villains. 

Spinner: "Hold crap. He just beat the boss."

Dabi: "He's more powerful than I thought."

Toga: "That makes him really hot."

Twice:" You worry me sometimes."

Mr. Compress: "What're we gonna do now?"

Shigaraki: "We move onto plan C."

He walks away.

Dabi: "And that would be?"

Shigaraki: "Destroying the vigilante."

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