The Meeting

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Overhaul: "Tea?"

He holds out a glass.

Y/N: "No thanks."

He places the glass down.

Y/N: "So why did you want to see me?"

Overhaul: "What're your thoughts on heroes?"

I think.

Y/N: "I don't know. Haven't really had a chance to get to know them."

Overhaul: "Then hear when I say they're not worth it."

Y/N: "You not like them?"

Overhaul: "I despise them. They think they're so high and mighty because of their fancy quirks. But quirks are nothing but a disease on our society. They made us complacent, soft."

Y/N: "What're you planning on doing?"

Overhaul: "Cutting out the quirk disease. Restore society to what it once was."

Y/N: "And how's this tie in with me?"

Overhaul: "I could use someone like you."

Y/N: "Like me?"

Overhaul: "You've seen first hand what quirks do to our society. Those with them shun you, call you a law breaking hell spawn. They brand you a heretic to law and order. They hunt you down like a rabid animal."

I look down. He's not wrong.

Overhaul: "Come with me. I wanna show you something."

I follow him to an elevator. Exiting we enter a storage room of sorts. Looking I see vials of blue liquid.

Y/N: "What is all this?"

Overhaul: "My life's work. It's a drug specifically designed to erase a quirk. I plan to dump it onto the streets. With these out there we can rid the world of quirks. With no more quirks there'll be no more heroes. And no more heroes mean no more disease."

He pats my back.

Overhaul: "Just think. When everything goes down the hero society will be no more. This'll give you ample room to do whatever you want. With no fear of being captured. It'll be a paradise."

I can only stare at the mayhem sitting before me. I can't let a single one of these make it onto the streets. 

Overhaul: "So what do you say? You in?"

I look at him. Crap. 

Y/N: "I don't know."

He slightly narrows his eyes.

Overhaul: "Huh?"

Y/N: "What I mean is that this' a lot to take in. I mean what you're offering me is my dream come true."

His gaze softens.

Y/N: "All my life everyone's looked down on me because I operate outside the law. They treat me like a massive threat to public safety. Which's why I wanna join you."

He smiles.

Overhaul: "Excellent. First-"

Y/N: "But I need time to think. I mean once we do this it'll be the whole world against us. If we're to do this then I need to be absolutely sure I can handle it."

Overhaul: "What do you need?"

Y/N: "Three days. At most."

He pats my back.

Overhaul: "I shall give you three days to make any necessary arrangements. I'll be eagerly awaiting your response."

I nod. I then walk out of the building. Getting a couple blocks away I place a call.

All Might: "How'd it go?"

Y/N: "We need to talk. Now."

All Might: "Right."

He arrives and we make our way back to UA. When we arrive we head straight for Nezu's office.

Nezu: "So how'd it go?"

I explain everything. By the end they're beyond shocked.

All Might: "Is that even possible? A quirk erasing drug?"

Nezu: "In this day and age, it's not all that impossible."

He looks at me.

Nezu: "What answer did you give him?"

Y/N: "Said I needed time to prepare. I've got three days."

Nezu: "Meaning we've got three days to assemble a team and come up with a plan to take down Overhaul."

All Might: "No pressure."

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