Ending 2: Vigilante

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I groggily open my eyes to a beeping noise. Looking around I find myself in a hospital room.

Y/N: "How'd I get here?"

I sit up being met with pain in my stomach. I look to see it bandaged up. I throw my legs over the side of the bed. The door to my room opens revealing All Might.

All Might: "You're awake."

Y/N: "I am. How long was I out?"

All Might: "About two days. 

Y/N: "Then that means I gotta go."

I begin leaving. But All Might stops me.

All Might: "That might not be the best of ideas."

Y/N: "Why not?"

He reaches into his pocket. He then pulls out a severely cracked phone. I go wide eyed.

Y/N: "My phone."

All Might: "I recovered it when they wheeled you in here."

Y/N: "Good. Listen, there's videos on there. Videos that can clear my name. Have Nezu-"

All Might: "They're gone."

My heart sinks.

Y/N: "W-What?"

All Might: "That explosion really messed up your phone. To the point we couldn't salvage anything."

He puts his hand on my shoulder.

All Might: "I'm sorry. I know you worked so hard. But I'm sure we'll find another way to clear your name."

The door bursts open. Tanaka enters the room.

Tanaka: "Y/N L/N. You're hereby under arrest. You're charged with not only the bombing of Deika City. But evading capture."

He places cuffs on me.

Tanaka: "Anything you say can and will be used against you. If you do not-"

A hand is placed on his shoulder.

All Might: "Sorry."

He punches Tanaka out cold. I pull my hands apart breaking the cuffs. 

All Might: "It's not safe here. You need to leave."

Y/N: "Where would I even go?"

All Might: "I don't know."

Sirens wail. I look out the window to see cops, soldiers and S.W.A.T. arriving.

All Might: "Here. You're gonna need this."

He hands over a bag. I open it seeing my suit. I quickly put it on. 

All Might: "Hurry up. They're entering."

I pull up my hood and mask. I then walk to the window opening it. I get ready to jump when All Might stops me with a hand on my shoulder.

All Might: "Good luck Y/N."

I hug him tightly.

Y/N: "Thank you. For everything."

He returns my hug.

All Might: "Just stay safe."

Y/N: "I will."

I break the hug pulling down my goggles. I get out the window clinging to the side of the building. 

Soldier2: "There he is!!!"

I leap as gunfire rains down on me. I then swing away, fleeing into the city. 


I land on the roof. 

Voice: "I was wondering when you'd show up."

I smile seeing Tsuyu. I walk to her kissing her lips.

Y/N: "Sorry. You know how life is."

She rolls her eyes.

Y/N: "But how're you doing?"

Tsuyu: "Fine. Always looking forward to this."

I smile.

Y/N: "And how's Kaeru?"

Tsuyu: "Fine. She started elementary yesterday."

She then shows a picture.

Tsuyu: "And her quirks started to manifest. This was her when she leapt too high and get stuck in the tree."

I chuckle. I then become sad.

Y/N: "I really wish I could be with you guys."

Tsuyu hugs me deeply.

Tsuyu: "I know. But right now we have to settle for this. At least until things change."

I return her hug. Some time later I leap and swing through the city. I then have my phone buzz. I look to see a text from All Might.

All Might: "Shigaraki finally cracked. Says he's willing to cooperate."

Y/N: "Bout time. I'm on my way."

All Might: "Try not to get your hopes up. He could always try to double cross us."

Y/N: "I know. Be there in ten."

I put my phone away and swing to All Might.

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