High Altitude Fight

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I look at Overhaul as he places his hand on the wall. I pull myself to the side dodging more spikes. But hitting the ground my ankle is captured by earth.

Y/N: "Crap."

I'm violently swung around. I'm then launched through the ceiling. I keep going eventually going through the building hitting the sky. I pull myself to the top of a water tower where I look over my shoulder.

Y/N: "You okay?"

She gently nods.

Eri: "Yes."

I look forward to see Overhaul making a stairway to us.

Overhaul: "Last chance. Hand over the kid and I'll let you live."

Y/N: "Not gonna happen."

Overhaul: "Then die."

A massive stone fist heads for me. I leap out of its way. However a secondary smaller one branches out slamming against my chest. I go flying backwards when I correct myself perching on the side of a building. 

My eyes widen as hundreds of concrete spikes head for me. I run up the building as the spikes come down on me. When I reach the ledge I backflip getting near Overhaul, who's standing on a stone pillar. I pull myself close double kicking his back. 

He stumbles but he reforms his pillar stabilizing himself.  Putting his hand on the pillar several beams eject heading for me. I side flip over one landing on another. Trusting my body I leap avoiding having my foot engulfed.

Sending out a web strand I swing around a beam. It chases after me forcing me to quickly pull myself to the side. This makes two beams collide into each other destroying both. I smile but have it cut short.

Eri: "Look out."

I look over my shoulder to see the final beam forming spikes. They eject heading for me.

Y/N: "Hold on tight."

She tightens her grip on me. I swing to the left avoiding a handful of the spikes. But my side tingles. Sending out a strand I pull myself to the side of a building. But looking up I see a storm of spike about to come down on me. I leap heading straight for the spikes. Relying solely on my reflexes I flip and weave through the sea of spikes. Now in the clear I land on the roof of a building adjacent to Overhaul.

Overhaul: "Not bad. But you left yourself open."

My spine tingles forcing me to leap. A rope of concrete springs out narrowly catching me. But faster than I can react another one ejects wrapping around my ankle. I'm swung around before being launched into a building. I tumble across the floor before slamming chest first into the wall.

Eri: "Hero."

I groan staggering to my hands and knees. But as soon as I do a boot is slammed onto my back driving me into the ground.

Overhaul: "I warned you Vigilante. Now this' where you die."

The last thing I see is something sharp slicing my face.

3rd POV

Y/N screams in pain as a stone blade slices his face. Eri watches in horror as blood pours from a slash going across his eyes. She then looks at Overhaul.

Overhaul: "It's over Eri. Time you came back home with me."

Eri: "No! I refuse to go back to you!!!"

Her arm is roughly grabbed causing her to wince. She's then forcibly dragged away.

Overhaul: "You're going back to your cell. And when we get back I'm gonna make sure you never wanna escape ever again."

Eri punches Overhaul trying her hardest to escape his hold. But it does nothing.


I feel Eri be taken then her screaming. I look to the side to see a blurred and bloody world.

Eri: "Someone save me, please!!!"

I get to my feet shouting.

Y/N: "Overhaul!!!!"

Overhaul: "You're still standing. You must really wanna die."

Y/N: "I want you to unhand Eri this instant."

Overhaul: "Or what?"

I bare my teeth clenching my fists.

Y/N: "I'll make you wish you were dead."

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