UA Bound

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I become nervous as the missile gets within blocks of the students.

Y/N: "Come on Y/N. Think, how do I stop a missile?"

I attach web strand to the tip of the missile.

Y/N: "Here goes nothing."

I pull the strand as hard as I can. My eyes widen as only a block separates the missile and the students.

Y/N: "Come on!!!"

I pull harder. Eventually the tip comes up causing the missile to head upwards. As we clear the buildings I leap off landing on the top of a building. I smile as the missile explode in the air. 

Y/N: "Thank goodness."

A buzzer rings out as we hear the rockstar's voice.

Rockstar: "Times up. Hope you're satisfied with your scores."

*with teachers* 

In a viewing room we see various teachers looking at a feed of Y/N.

Midnight: "He's skilled. Who is he?"

Snipe: *looks at folder* "Y/N L/N. Fifteen year old from southern financial district."

Cementoss: "Quirk?"

Snipe: "Redacted."

Ectoplasm: "Odd. Wonder why that is."

Snipe: "No clue. But he shows great potential."

Thirteen: "Where'd you find him Nezu?"

Nezu: "I had my eye on him for quite some time."

Midnight: "So he's a recommendation? He's lucky."

Ectoplasm: "Just a shame he doesn't have that many points."

Thirteen: "True. But he just scored major heroic points saving the other students. That should make up for it."

Cementoss: "But anyone find his move set kinda odd?"

Snipe: "Yeah. I swear I saw it somewhere before. More so his little web tricks."

They all look at Nezu.

Nezu: "That's a secret enhancement Y/N has. Long story short he was given it against his will. It brings a smile to my face seeing that he's finally embracing it."

They back off.

Midnight: "A child shouldn't have to be enhanced. I pray whoever did it to him is rotting in hell."


I watch TV when mom gets in my field of view. She smiles holding an envelope. I shoot to my feet snatching the letter.

Mom: "You don't think?"

Y/N: "One way to find out."

Ripping it open I fish out a metal disk. I set it on the coffee table pressing the blue button. A projection of All Might is then shown.

All Might: "Greetings. In case it wasn't obvious I'm a teacher at UA academy. If you've received this disk then that means we've reviewed your exam results and reached a decision."

Mom and I lean forward impatiently.

All Might: "Young Y/N L/N. It's with great pleasure to announce you've been accepted to UA Academy. Reviewing your footage we saw that you aced the second part of the exam. You performed a heroic dead which netted you a hundred hero points. This secured your position. We eagerly await you at UA. Congrats young man."

The projection ends. I scream in joy while mom claps.

Y/N: "I got accepted."

Mom: "Oh honey I'm so proud of you."

I smile.

Y/N: "I can't wait to see what the future holds in store for me."

Later that night I open a package fishing out my costume. Looking I see it's been completely fixed.

Y/N: "Thank you Nezu."

My phone buzzes. Looking I see it's from Nezu.

Nezu: "You get your present yet?"

Y/N: "Yeah. Thanks for fixing her up."

Nezu: "It's the least I could do. But do try to keep it fixed for at least a day."

I smile.

Y/N: "No guarantees."

Slipping on my costume I leap into the city to help keep people safe.

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