The Big Bad

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3rd POV

At an undisclosed place we see all top ten heroes along with the police.

Best Jeanist: "Alright. So why're we here?"

Aizawa: "Student Y/N L/N has been taken."

Edgeshot: "Who'd be dumb enough to steal a UA student?"

All Might: "The league of villains."

They get serious.

Gang Orca: "What on earth would they want with him in particular?"

All Might: "I don't know. But odds are it has to do with All For One."

Woods: "He's still alive? I thought he died."

All Might: "So did we. But somehow he's back. So now we must stop him for good."

Gran Torino: "It won't be easy."

Tiger: "What about the kid?"

All Might: "He's our top priority. We'll need to rescue him before we take on All For One."

*meanwhile Y/N POV*

I groan opening my eyes. I then look around at my bar like surroundings.

Y/N: "Where am I?"

Voice: "Glad to see you awake."

A tall man in a weird mask comes into view.

Y/N: "Who are you? What am I doing here?"

He takes a seat in front of me. He then speaks in a calming tone.

Man: "Ease yourself. I'll gladly answer any question you have."

Y/N: "Then answer me. Who are you?"

AFO: "My name is All For One."

Y/N: "Why am I here?"

AFO: "Because I wish to speak with you."

Y/N: "But why me?"

AFO: "Because you fascinate me."

He has a coughing fit. He flips a switch on his mask making a hissing noise. He stops coughing emitting a deep sigh.

AFO: "I apologize. I'm not exactly well."

Y/N: "What's wrong with you?"

AFO: "What do you know about quirks?"

Y/N: "They're genetic mutations that manifest before a person turns four. Though in some cases they can manifest as soon as after birth."

I then think.

Y/N: "And usually a person has only one."

AFO: "What if I told that's false? What if a person could have more than one?"

Y/N: "That the case for you?"

AFO: "Yes. I have more than one quirk. Last I checked I was closing on thirty. But alas it proved my greatest downfall. Each quirk is vying for dominance over my body."

Y/N: "Why're you telling me all of this?"

AFO: "I'm dying. Unless I find a way to harmonize my quirks I'm dead set for the grave. Which is where you come in."

I tilt my head.

Y/N: "How do I save you?"

AFO: "You're like me. You have multiple quirks running through you DNA. Yet unlike me your body has found perfect harmony with them."

He leans forward.

AFO: "I need your help Y/N L/N."

My eyes slightly widen.

Y/N: "You know my name?"

AFO: "I do. I also know you're good at heart. Which is why I know you'll help me."

Y/N: "Say I help you. How would that even work?"

AFO: "I study your genetic makeup. See what's allowing you to hold all those quirks. Then give my body that knowledge so that I can live."

He presses a button freeing me from my restraints. He then holds out his hand.

AFO: "What do you say? Wanna help me live?"

I look at him and feel nothing but dread from him.

Y/N: "I'm sorry. But I can't help you."

He remains silent. In a flash he has me pinned against the wall by my neck.

AFO: "I had really hoped you'd help me. But seems I'll have to go with plan B."

He holds his hand in front of my face.

AFO: "Hijack your body and use it as my own."

He brings his hand closer when the entire building rumbles. Using this moment I double kick his chest knocking him back. Then firing web strands at the ceiling I pull bringing down the entire building.

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