Sports Festival

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I yawn trying to stay awake. 

Deku: "You okay?"

Y/N: "Just tired."

Deku: "You not sleeping enough?"

Y/N: "Not really. Too much homework."

Kirishima: "Tell me about it. I'm up till one trying to do it all."

The door opens as Aizawa enters the room.

Aizawa: "Alright let's get to it. Today's assignment, the UA sports festival."

Jiro: "You sure it's wise to host something like this after a villain attack?"

Aizawa: "The administration thinks this' a good way to show everyone that the threat has passed. Besides, this' too big of an opportunity to cancel. It's too crucial for UA students."

Mineta: "It's just a festival."

Momo: "Pro heroes will be watching. It's a great chance to get scouted."

Denki: "Yeah. Then after graduation we can join agencies as sidekicks."

Jiro: "Just a shame that's as far as some go."

Aizawa: "It's true joining an agency can net you more experience and popularity. Which's why this festival's so important. It only comes once a year, three times a lifetime. No budding hero can afford to miss it. So no slacking on your training. Class dismissed."

Faster than one could blink it was time for the festival. I throw on my backpack as mom kisses my cheek.

Mom: "Good luck sweetie. I'll be rooting for you."

Y/N: "Thanks."

Swinging to UA I land just outside the gate. Heading to the proper location I slip on my uniform.

Deku: "You guys nervous?"

Ojiro: "Kinda. But I feel confident."

Bakugo: "You chumps can feel nervous. But I know I'm gonna ace this festival."

Speaker: "Class 1A please make your way onto the field."

Exiting the locker room we walk onto the field receiving lots of cheers and applauds.

Deku: "Sure is a lot of people."

Present Mic: "Welcome to the UA sports festival. Where up and coming heroes leave everything on the field and fight to achieve world wide fame."

Everyone cheers. Midnight then walks onto the stage.

Jiro: "That outfit's highly inappropriate."

Midnight: "Greetings everyone. Let's get this thing rolling."

A slot machine is projected. After spinning for a couple seconds it stops.

Midnight: "All eleven classes will compete in a treacherous four kilometer long obstacle course. You're not gonna be restrained too much. So long as you don't leave the track anything's allowed. Now take your positions."

We get behind a line. While we wait I think to myself.

Y/N: "Since this' a sports event I can use my power without drawing too much attention. Meaning I can let loose a little."

I smile as three lights come on. Slowly they go off. When the last one goes off a buzzer goes off. Immediately I leap over everyone taking the lead. I run down the track when I see a massive robot looking at me. 

Y/N: "I got you."

Diving I burrow into the ground. Springing back out I laugh giving the robot the slip. But my laugh is cut short by Todoroki catching up to me. We share a gaze before nodding and returning to running. We eventually come to a gorge. I stop while Todoroki uses ice to skate to each platform.

Y/N: "Showoff."

I leap from platform to platform quickly closing the distance. But I hear an explosion. Looking back I see Bakugo launching himself. I smile rolling over him. He crashes into Todoroki taking them both down. This allows me to land on the other side of the gorge.

Y/N: "Thanks for the assist Bakugo."

I salute them running away.

Bakugo: "Get back here nerd!!!"

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