Villainous Showdown

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3rd POV

The building creaks making a cop shout.

Cop: "It's coming down!!!!"

Them and the heroes back up as the building comes crashing to the ground. Hitting the ground dust and rubble are flung everywhere blinding everyone.

Kenji: "Anyone got eyes?"

Edgeshot: "Nope."

Gran Torino: "Look out!!"

A massive burst of wind rips its way to them. They run barely missing the attack. It keeps going taking out another building.

Voice: "Curse that kid."

They all look and have their hearts sink. There before them is All For One without a single scratch.

AFO: "I tried to be nice but he just spat in my face."

Cop: "Put your hands up."

He looks seeing the police aiming their guns at him. He smiles under his mask.

AFO: "How adorable."

He taps the ground. Tunnels of wind erupt out of the ground sending cop cars flying. The police scatter to avoid getting crushed.

AFO: "Anyone else feel like defying me?"

Voice: "Yeah, me."

He narrows his eyes see Y/N land in front of him now in his costume.

Cop: "It's the vigilante, shoot him!!"

He has multiple guns trained on him. All Might however uses his body to shield him.

Edgeshot: "Out of the way All Might."

All Might: "We have a much bigger threat right now. I vote we deal with it then arrest this no good hellion."

They ponder before lowering their guns.

AFO: "If you miscreants are done, I'd like to settle my score with him."


I'm pulled towards All For One. Getting close I kick his jaw going over him. Now behind him I fire a web strand attaching to his back. Twisting my body I sling him over my shoulder onto the ground.

AFO: "Not bad."

He gets to his feet grabbing the web strand.

AFO: "But now it's my turn."

I'm violently yanked towards All For One. He grabs my neck slamming me onto the ground. He then stomps on my chest partially driving me into the ground. Punching his knee he backs up. I flip to my feet uppercutting his jaw. As he slouches I grab his back slamming my knee into his chest.

He grabs my ankle swinging me onto the ground. I get up when he kicks my chest sending me upwards. When I'm level with him he punches my chest eliciting a crack. I slide to a stop when he aims a fireball at me.

All Might: "Kid!"

He rushes to save me. All For One however waves his hand. A wall of fire separates us. All For One then moves his finger from side to side.

AFO: "Do try not to interfere. This' between him and I. Try to save him and Ill squish him like the bug he is."

I look up at his fireball.

AFO: "I'm gonna offer you one last chance. Agree to save me and I'll gladly overlook this little rebellion. As an added bonus I'll leave you alone."

I get to my feet.

Y/N: "For the last time. I won't help you."

AFO: "Then what happens next is on you."

He launches his fireball. I leap out of the way but have my ankle snagged by a vine. I'm pulled outta the sky and slammed onto the ground. I flip onto my back attaching web strands to his chest. I pull sending my feet into his chest. But pain shoots up my legs as it feels like hitting a steel wall. Aiming his hand a beam of light hits my chest sending me across the ground.

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