Ending 1: Hero

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3rd POV

Doctors arrive due to the explosion. They look around finding an unmoving Shigaraki and Y/N.

Doctor: "Quick, get an ambulance."

They're both taken into the hospital to be treated for their injuries. But as Y/N's face is umcovered the doctors gasp.

Nurse: "It's Y/N."

Doctor: "I'm calling the police."

He runs but has his wrist grabbed.

Doctor2: "No. We need to save him."

Doctor: "Are you insane? He's a murderer."

Doctor2: "He's dying. And as doctors it's our duty to save him."

Doctor: "I refuse to save a criminal. I'm calling the police."

Doctor2: "No you're not."

He nods. The nurse quickly restrain him setting him in the corner. They then work together to save Y/N.

*timeskip Y/N POV*

I awake to a beeping noise. I look around to see I'm in a hospital room. 

Y/N: "I'm alive?"

Voice: "You are."

I look at the door to see All Might.

Y/N: "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

He smiles walking to my bed.

Y/N: "How long was I out?"

All Might: "Two days."

I go wide eyed.

Y/N: "In that case I need to leave."

I get to my feet. But this all consuming pain hits my stomach. I fall but get caught by All Might.

All Might: "You need to relax. You're still recovering from near death injuries."

Y/N: "But the soldiers. The police."

He smiles flicking on the TV. It's then I'm presented with the news.

Hana: "Well this has certainly been one heck of a week, hasn't it? We started with a massive manhunt. Now we're questioning everything."

Y/N: "What exactly happened while I was out?"

All Might: "Keep watching."

Hana: "Following an explosion near Jaku General Hospital, doctors recovered the body of none other than Y/N L/N, the infamous vigilante. But while he was recovering an anonymous source turned in his phone. It was then the case against him took an interesting turn."

Y/N: "They took my phone. That means..."

All Might: "Yep. They found your recirdings. After finding them a wide investigation was launched. They found the names you were given. They cracked and confessed to everything."

I smile when the door to my room opens. In walks Tanaka. He walks to me taking off his hat.

Tanaka: "Y/N L/N, we have viewed your evidence and owe your an apology. I owe you an apology. We've cleared you of your wanted status and are willing to compensate for any and all damage that was done to you. All you've gotta do is say the word."

Y/N: "Just let me see my family."

*one car ride later*

I exit the car coming to a normal looking house. I limp towards the front door ringing the bell. Footsteps come near as the door opens. We lock eyes.

Y/N: "Hey."

Near the speed of light she wraps her arms around me. She then pulls me into a bone crushing hug as her tears stain my shirt.

Mom: "Please don't ever leave ever again."

I return her hug. 

Y/N: "I won't."

I look seeing Eri. Her hand is over her mouth as tears cascade down her cheeks. I break from mom squatting down with my arms out. She runs to me clinging to my chest. She buries her face tightening her grip.

Eri: "I missed you."

I stand holding her close.

Y/N: "I missed you too."

*next day* 

I limp to class. Getting near the door I hear loud shouting. I smile shaking my head.

Y/N: "Here we go."

I throw open the door. To no one's surprise the first thing I see class 1A being rowdy. Mineta is getting punished by Bakugo making him dance by firing explosions at his feet. Some laugh while others pass money around. I smirk walking to the front of the desks.

Y/N: "What'd he do this time?"

All eyes land on me. 

Everyone: "Y/N!!!"

They surround me. 

Mina: "You're okay."

Y/N: "Yep."

Deku: "We heard what happened on the news. We're so glad everything worked out."

Ojiro: "Does this mean you're free of trouble?"

Y/N: "Yep."

They smile when Tsuyu gets in front of them. She gets closer making my body tense. Then in front of everyone she kisses my lips. My cheeks explode red as the others gasp. She pulls back with a smile on her face.

Tsuyu: "I'm glad you're back."

My brain crashes as the others laugh.


I walk down a hallway when I hear a voice.

Kai: "So how's it feel? Being free again?"

Y/N: "Good. But how do you feel? Did you cry in federal prison?"

I chuckle as he rolls his eyes.

Kai: "You know there's still a lot of crime left."

Y/N: "I know. Which's why-"

My phone begins ringing. I answer it.

Y/N: "Hello?"

All Might: "Y/N, we've got a situation in Kamino!! Some would be thugs have taken control of the local plant!! We need help!"

Y/N: "Be right there!"

I hang up looking at Kai.

Y/N: "Duty calls."

Kai: "Good luck."

I nod exiting his agency. Then with a leap I swing down the street while discarding my clothes. I front flip onto a cop car zipping up my jacket.

Tanaka: "Nice of you to join us."

Y/N: "Someone has to back you guys up."

He rolls his eyes. Meanwhile we speed up to go deal with the situation in Kamino.

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