Round 3

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I watch as a tsunami of rubble heads for me. Inhaling I leap over the first wave of rubble. Immediately after a massive section of the arena flies towards me. Attaching two web strands I swing it out of the way. But in doing so I get struck in the shoulder with a chunk of concrete.

Y/N: "Ow."

I go wide eyed as more concrete chunks make their way to me. I backflip going over the first chunk. Landing on my hands I spin avoiding the second chunk. Getting back on my feet I limbo keeping from getting struck in the face. Looking I see an opening.

Y/N: "Now's my chance."

Firing a web strand it captures Bakugo's foot. I pull yanking myself to him. As I come in he readies an explosion. But I fire another web strand hitting a rubble chunk above me. Yanking myself to it I push myself off with all my might. 

Bakugo: "You want some, come and get it!!!"

He aims both hands at me firing an explosion. I smile. When the explosion gets close I fire my tongue wrapping around his wrists.

Bakugo: "Ah sick!!!"

I swing my head. His hands are aimed downwards. His explosion hits the ground. This propels him into the air. He keeps going until he hits the wall barrier landing out of the ring.

Present Mic: "And just like that Katsuki Bakugo has been knocked clean out of the ring!"

Everyone cheers and chants my name. I smile being met with loads of applauds.

Present Mic: "Y/N L/N has claimed his second victory in the festival. Is there nothing that can stop this one man army?"

I head back to the locker room. As I rehydrate I hear a voice.

Voice: "Y/N."

I turn seeing Bakugo walking to me.

Y/N: "There something you need?"

Bakugo: "That fight."

I raise my guard. He then smiles.

Bakugo: "You may have won this one. But I guarandamntee you that you won't the next one. I'm gonna train and when we have a rematch I swear I'll beat you."

I return his smile.

Y/N: "Looking forward to it."

Some time later I walk into the arena to face my final opponent.

Present Mic: "Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the final round of the UA sports festival!!"

Everyone cheers.

Present Mic: "These two opponents have fought tooth and nail and now it'll all pay off. Whoever wins this match walks away the ultimate winner. Give it up for the son of number two hero Shoto Todoroki. Versus his opponent the unstoppable Y/N L/N."

I look at Todoroki.

Y/N: "Good luck."

He nods.

Present Mic: "Let the show begin!!!"

I run towards Todoroki as he stands still. Going for a left kick he effortlessly grabs my leg. Ice then forms quickly covering my leg.

Todoroki: "Try harder."

I smile twisting my body the other way. My foot comes in which he catches. But no special attack happens, what gives? Not looking a gift horse in the mouth I kick his jaw sending him tumbling backwards. Landing on my feet I see him holding his jaw.

Todoroki: "Not bad. But you won't be able to do it again."

Putting his hand on the ground ice jets out making its way to me.

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