Fire And Ice

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I spin dodging the ice. But more keeps coming my way. Narrowing my gaze I dive underground, silently burrowing towards Todoroki.

Present Mic: "What's this? Seems Y/N just disappeared into thin air."

Todoroki: "Where are you?"

Getting into position I reach upwards grabbing Todoroki's ankles.

Todoroki: "Not good."

He grabs my wrist freezing it. I deliver a right hook to his face. He conjures an ice shield to take the hit. Getting out of the ground I see Todoroki dispelling the ice shield. 

Todoroki: "My turn."

Once more placing his right hand on the ground a building size hunk of ice heads for me. I go to leap when my feet become ice cold. Looking down I see I've been frozen in place. I then look back at the ice which's only a few feet away from me.

Y/N: "This' gonna hurt."

I use my hands to shield myself as the ice finally hits me.

3rd POV

The building sized ice hunk hits Y/N. Its momentum stops scooting Y/N across the arena. Screaming he finally stops holding the mega ice block above him. Everyone stares in awe at his strength. Replanting his feet he sets the ice hunk down slightly rocking the area. He then turns to Todoroki panting.

Y/N: "That the best you got?"

Todoroki smiles.

Todoroki: "You're special Y/N. You have my respect."

Y/N: "Thanks. But something's bothering me. Is there more to your quirk than ice?"

He nods.

Todoroki: "Yes. I can also use fire."

Y/N: "Why don't you use it?"

He sighs.

Todoroki: "I despise that side. My father wasn't a great man. He said my only purpose was to surpass the number one hero. So to defy him I refuse to use his fire."

Y/N: "That's not great."

He tilts his head.

Todoroki: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "Like it or not you have your dad's blood in you. You can try to deny it but it's true. True he may not be the nicest, but so what? You shouldn't ever care how others feel about him. You can defy him without suppressing a part of yourself. He's a bad guy so be a great guy. Be the opposite of him. Be better. Be, yourself."

Taking in his words Todoroki smiles. 

Todoroki: "Very well."

His left side is engulfed by fire.

Present Mic: "It seems we're in for a show now. Shoto Todoroki is finally using his fire."

Todoroki: "You better be ready."

Y/N smiles slightly crouching down.

Y/N: "Whenever you are."

Matching his smile Todoroki sends out a tornado of fire. It rips up the ground heading right for Y/N. Fearing their safety a barrier is deployed shielding the spectators. Thinking fast Y/N grabs the ice hunk and holds it as a shield. The fire hits it splitting into several beams.

Digging into his strength he begins walking towards Todoroki. Smiling more he cranks up his heat. The ice hunk now rapidly melts making the flames get ever so closer to Y/N.

Present Mic: "Now it's a game of chicken. Who will break first? Y/N or Todoroki?"

Y/N begins getting pushed back. Using more strength he forcibly marches towards Todoroki. The ice becomes three quarters of its size. Y/N's body is lit up with heat, actually starting to cause burns. But unbothered he keeps marching.

Present Mic: "It seems neither opponent is willing to back down, who on earth is gonna win!?!?!"

Todoroki: "Give up Y/N! I'm gonna win!!"

Y/N: "I won't ever give up! Not even if I have to die!!!"

Getting close he delivers a powerful right hook. It collides with Todoroki's flaming hand. The resulting backfire rocks the arena while sending both opponents flying. When the dust settles both Todoroki and Y/N lay motionless. The right side of their uniform are torn exposing their arm and part of their torso.

Present Mic: "What's this!?!? It looks like we have a double knockout!!!"

The place erupts into cheers and applauds.

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