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3rd POV

Kai hangs up smiling.

Kai: "He's having a private trial."

Mom: "Good. Now we can save him."

Kai: "I'll save him."

He begins walking away.

Mom: "You're going alone?"

Kai: "Yes. Don't try try to stop me."

Mom: "But why you?"

Kai: "I failed to protect him. He needed me and I failed. Now I must do whatever it takes to save him."

He exits his agency. He then stretches preparing his body.

Kai: "Been awhile since I did this. Hope you're ready body."

He inhales activating his quirk. His muscles tighten making him wince.

 Kai: "This' gonna hurt in the morning."

He crouches down. With a step he zooms down the street. When he reaches the end of the block he powers his legs leaping into the air. He easily clears three blocks landing on a rooftop. He keeps leaping heading to Y/N.


I get chained to a post. A judge then sits before me.

Judge: "Y/N L/N. You stand here accused of the destruction of Deika City. Because of you twenty thousand lives were lost. This on top of your illegal acts of heroism proves you're nothing but a reckless hooligan with no regard to people's safety or the law. I admit I would've given you some leeway before. But taking into account the Deika City incident, I hereby revoke that leeway. Therefore I shall bestow the only punishment fitting of a mass murderer such as yourself."

He narrows his eyes.

Judge: "I hereby sentence to die by hanging! May you pay for your crimes in hell!"

I go wide eyed.

Y/N: "That's not fair!!! I'm innocent!!!"

Judge: "Tell that to the devil."

Suddenly the building rumbles. The wall is then broken down sending smoke everywhere. I hear shouting followed by heavy thuds. When the smoke clears I see Kai has arrived.

Y/N: "Kai?"

Kai: "Yeah."

He easily breaks my chains freeing me.

Y/N: "Why're you doing this? You could get into serious trouble."

Kai: "I don't give a damn. Something Deika City doesn't add up."

Y/N: "You mean you believe me?"

Kai: "Stupid question. But yes."

I smile.

Y/N: "Thank goodness."

Kai: "Let's get out of here."

I nod as we run out of the building. We reach the outside as S.W.A.T. surrounds us.

S.W.A.T: "Kai and Y/N, stand down now."

Y/N: "We're completely pinned."

Kai: "Be ready to run."

I look at him. He screams running towards a S.W.A.T. car. He shoulder bashes it sending it flying.

S.W.A.T: "Open fire!!!"

They unload their guns. Kai uproots a chunk of concrete using it as a shield. He then hurls it sending several officers away. He smiles when he's shot by a stun round. He fights through the pain flinging the officer away. He gets overwhelmed quickly being arrested.

Kai: "Run Y/N!!!!!"

I leap swinging away.

3rd POV

S.W.A.T. officers open fire attempting to shoot Y/N out of the sky. He however escapes making Kai smile. He's cuffed and pulled to his feet.

S.W.A.T Officer: "You're in a whole heap of trouble now Kai."

Kai: "I don't care. Y/N escaped, and that's all that matters."

S.W.A.T Officer: "Take him away!!"

Kai's shoved into a S.W.A.T. car and driven away. But instead of showing fear he only smiles. He then looks out the window watching the buildings pass by.

Kai: "The rest is up to you now kid. Good luck, you're gonna need it."

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