The Final Boss

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Shigaraki and I eye each other. A bird caws sending us forward. I side flip over Shigaraki's right hook. Now in his blind spot I kick his ribs making his growl. He attempts to grab me. Knowing his quirk I limbo.

I backflip using my foot to uppercut his chin. He goes airborne when I fire a web strand hitting his chest. I swing him around. He however grabs the line making it erode. I get thrown off balance which gives Shigaraki the perfect opportunity to attack. 

My lower back aches forcing me to backflip. I land on Shigaraki's shoulders. With a front flip I launch him into a tree. He gets to his feet where I kick his jaw.

His head hits the tree stunning him. I send a right hook to his ribs causing him to gasp. He attempts a left cross. I however kick his chest sending him through the tree. He skids across the dirt. He rolls onto his feet.

Shigaraki: "Have some of this."

Black tendrils erupt from under my feet. I leap avoiding them. But another one wraps around my chest.

Shigaraki: "Got you."

I'm swung over Shigaraki onto the ground. I'm then drug before being launched into the air. After going weightless I begin making the fall to earth. But when I'm halfway Shigaraki grows wings and slams his head into my chest. I cough as all my air is stolen. 

He then aims his hands at me. A concussive blast of air is launched sending me into the dirt. I groan when my body tingles. I roll causing those tendrils to embed in the dirt. Seeing an opportunity I grab the tendrils. Turning I spin them and Shigaraki around. 

He clips several trees. I finally sling him over my shoulder onto the ground. He fires a blast of air at me. I however leap avoiding it. Now above Shigaraki I pull myself down on him. My feet crash into his chest letting out several cracks.

Shigaraki: "Bastard."

He grabs my ankle. My pant leg begins eroding. I kick his face sending him away. I look at my ankle to see some of its flesh is broken releasing blood. I look forward as those tendrils appear. I roll out of the way. I then rush towards Shigaraki.

Shigaraki: "You want it? Come and get it."

Lots of tendrils head for me. I jump left then right dodging handfuls of them. Jumping back spares me from three. I anchor them to the floor continuing my way to Shigaraki. I leap coming down on him. He brings up his arms to block me. My right hook however tears through them hitting his face.

Shigaraki: "Left yourself open."

I gasp as something impales my side. I look down to see a tendril going through the side of my ribs.

Shigaraki: "You've lost."

I smile as blood leaks from my mouth.

Y/N: "No my friend. It's you who's lost."

I pull the rebar to me. I then plunge it through his stomach. Now he coughs out blood. We let go of each other falling onto our backs. My breathing becomes shallow as blood now fills my lungs. I slowly close my eyes. I then look to the side seeing the hospital. I reach out for it but finally succumb to my injuries.

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