To The Camp

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The next day I ride on a bus that's heading somewhere. Aizawa then speaks up.

Aizawa: "Now that you've finished your first semester of UA it's time for summer vacation. But don't think these will be months of rest. Going to this camp you'll be pushed to your limits. You'll be aiming to go plus ultra."

After about an hour we come to a stop overlooking a cliff.

Mina: "What're we doing here?"

Aizawa: "Did you guys really think we stopped here just so you could stretch your legs?"

A car then pulls up. Two women exit walking to Aizawa.

Pixie-bob: "Long time no see Erasure."

Mandalay: "Your feline fantasies have just come true. Say meow."

Y/N: "Who the heck are you guys?"

Mandalay/Pixie-bob: "You may call us the Wild Wild Pussycats."

Aizawa: "Can we get back on track please?"

Mandalay: "Yes. We own all the land you see around you. Everything from the road to the camp at the base of the mountain."

Uraraka: "Then why'd we stop all the way out here?"

Y/N: "I get this feeling we're not gonna like the answer."

Mandalay: "The current time is nine thirty. If you leave now you should reach the camp by noon."

We're launched by a slab of earth. Everyone makes a crash landing but I land perfectly on my feet.

Jiro: "Why must we always fall for Aizawa's tricks?"

Kirishima: "No use complaining. Sooner we get a move on the sooner we reach the camp."

We begin walking through the forest. But not even two minutes in we're met with a roar. We all look to see a massive monster making its way to us.

Ojiro: "Great. Giant monsters."

Iida: "I knew it wouldn't be that easy."


I limp holding my leg. 

Aizawa: "Bout time you guys got here. Was starting to fear you wouldn't."

Sero: "Oh hush. Your fault for tossing monsters at us."

Aizawa: "You kids survived didn't you?"

Yuga: "Barely."

He holds his stomach.

Yuga: "My tummy feels like it's on fire."

Deku: *rubs hands* "I can barely feel my hands."

Denki: *derp* "We did great guys."

Aizawa: "Well you kids come inside and get washed up."

After a nice hot shower I join the others in the dining room where a massive spread has been laid out. Making a mountain of food I gorge myself.

Kirishima: "So how'd your guy's internship go?"

Uraraka: "Good. I learnt some self defense techniques."

Tsuyu: "I helped stop a smuggler."

Deku: "What about you Y/N?"

I freeze as everyone's eyes fall on me.

Y/N: "I didn't have an internship."

Koda: "Why?"

Why're they so curious?

Y/N: "I had some family issues that kinda got in the way. But everything's good now. I'm set to have an internship after we leave camp."

Pixie-bob: "Be sure to enjoy this moment. Because we won't be doing this for you after today."

After our meal I find myself relaxing in a hot spring.

Kirishima: "Now this' the life."

Sero: "Agreed nothing like a hot spring after a long hard day."

Shoji: "I admit I'm gonna miss this when we leave."

I hear heavy breathing. Looking to the side I see Mineta trying to phase through the wall.

Y/N: "What're you doing?"

Mineta: "Just think fellas. Behind this wall is a bevy of beautiful babes just asking to be spied on."

Y/N: "You need to calm down."

Mineta: "I now understand why I was given my quirk. It was for just this purpose."

He peels off his stick balls and uses them to scale the wall.

Y/N: "Shouldn't we stop him?"

Todoroki: "I'm on it."

Placing his finger on the ground ice rampages towards Mineta. He screams as he's bombarded by ice. When it clears I see him frozen solid against the wall.

Mineta: *shivering* "S-s-s-s-so c-c-c-c-cold."

We all laugh at his misery.

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