Hero 101

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The day after the quirk assessment tests I fight the urge to fall asleep. Right when sleep consumes me All Might jumps into the room in a superhero pose.

All Might: "Welcome boys and girls to the most important class at UA! Think of it as heroing 101. It'll teach you the basics of being a pro what it means to fight for good. Now let's get to it. This lesson won't pull any punches. However, one of the keys to being a hero is looking the part."

He presses a remote. This makes the wall open up revealing numbered crates.

All Might: "These costumes were made based on your registration forms and personal requests. Now get suited up and meet at Training Ground Beta."

The others grab their costumes. When they're suited up we arrive at a lone building. 

Deku: "Where's your costume?"

I think of an excuse.

Y/N: "It's still being worked on. Turns out my requests were more intricate then they anticipated."

Deku: "Must be one heck of a costume."

I half smile.

Y/N: "You could say that."

All Might: "Alright gather around so that I can tell you the rules."

We gather around him.

All Might: "Villains have hidden a nuclear device somewhere within the building. The heroes must stop them. They can do this by either taking the villains down or recovering the nuclear device. Likewise the villains can win by capturing the heroes or holding onto the device until time runs out. Now since we're limited on time we'll draw lots to decide teams."

He holds out two boxes. Reaching in I withdraw a ball marked A. Everyone else then draws until All Might speaks again.

All Might: "Lots have been drawn. First match will be between teams A and B. Team B will be villains. Take your places."

They enter the building. Meanwhile I look at my partner.

Y/N: "Good luck."

Tsuyu: "Thanks. You too."

All Might: "Begin test!"

We enter the building.

Tsuyu: "Kinda quiet."

Y/N: "Yeah. Too quiet."

I look around when I hear running coming our way.

Y/N: "Look out!"

She clings to the wall as something punches my face. I attempt a wide swing of my arm but hit only air.

Y/N: "Uh oh."

My stomach is struck making me slouch. I'm then thrown into the wall. Falling onto my face I look up with slightly narrowed eyes.

Tsuyu: "What do we do?"

I get to my feet.

Y/N: "I've got this. You go and get the bomb."

Tsuyu: "Shouldn't I help you?"

Y/N: "No. If we both fight then it'll just waste time."

Tsuyu: "Just stay safe."

I smile.

Y/N: "I will."

She quickly crawls away to retrieve the bomb. 

Voice: "Just us now."

I relax when my face is punched. Going for a right hook I hit only air. A foot hits my ribs making me slouch. An elbow is then dropped onto my back sending me face first into the ground. Growing annoyed I jump to my feet running away.

Toru: "Get back here!!"

I hear her giving chase. Rounding a corner I take cover. Relying on my ears I hear her getting close. When she's close enough I stick out my foot causing her to trip. She tumbles before hitting the wall partially caving it in.

Toru: "Ouchie."

I smile when we hear All Might's voice.

All Might: "Tsuyu has recovered the bomb. Team A wins."

I smile more.

Y/N: "Good job Tsuyu."

I hold out my hand.

Y/N: "That was a good match. Nearly had me there."

I help her to her feet.

Toru: "Thanks. You weren't half bad yourself."

We all head back to the viewing room. The next day I sit in class when Aizawa finally enters the classroom.

Aizawa: "Now that everyone's present we can begin. Today's task will impact the future of the class. You'll need to pick a class representative."

Mina: "But how're we gonna decide that?"

Iida: "Simple. We hold a good old fashioned election."

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