Ending 3: Legend

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3rd POV

An ambulance arrives. Y/N is placed on a gurney and shoved into the ambulance. He's then wheeled through the hospital. They finally reach a room.

Doctor: "How bad is he?"

Nurse: *eyes glow* "He's bleeding internally. Some of his organs were ruptured. Pretty vital ones at that."

Doctor: "Then let's get him prepped for surgery."

Nurse: "He won't make it."

Doctor: "Then we'll do it here." 

He gets prepped. He then begins stitching up Y/N's injuries. As the doctor sets to work Y/N's step mom and Eri burst into the hospital. She walks up to the front desk.

Mom: "Where is he? Where's my Y/N?"

A guard bursts in panting in pain. On his face is a black eye.

Guard: "Mam, I said halt."

She kicks his knee taking him down. She turns back to the receptionist.

Mom: "Where is he?"

Woman: "He's in room 302."

She runs to said room. Meanwhile the doctor cuts the stiches sealing one wound. He sighs in relief when the EKG rapidly beeps.

Doctor: "What's happening!?!"

Nurse: "Blood's rushing into his heart!! He's having Cardiac Tamponade!!"

Doctor: "Get me a needle!!"

A needle is shoved into Y/N. Blood rushes out but it just keeps coming. The EKG beeps faster. It then suddenly emits a prolonged beep.

Doctor: "Get me a defibrillator!!!"

He rubs the paddles together.

Doctor: "Clear!!!"

He zaps Y/N. The long beep continues. The doctor tries again.

Doctor: "Come on!!"

He zaps Y/N again. The long beep is still heard.

Doctor: "Crank it to the max."

It's turned to the highest output.

Doctor: "Clear!!"

He zaps Y/N a third and final time. The long beep is the only thing heard. All hope leaves the doctor as he emits a pained sigh.

Doctor: "Call it."

A nurse looks at the clock.

Nurse: "10:15 A.M."

A gasp is heard. Panning to the door Y/N's step mom is seen. Tears rain down her cheeks as she shakes her head.

Mom: "No, please no."

Eri: "Y/N."

Tears stain her cheeks.

Eri: "YYYYYY/NNNN!!!!!"


Rain trickles down from the heavens. Going to the ground we see students and staff of UA dressed in black. They part as the coffin is carried through. They follow it to its grave. Bakugo, Deku and Todoroki gently lay it in the earth. Each then person take turns laying a rose on Y/N's coffin. His step mom and Eri take their turn. 

Mom: "So long, my dear sweet boy."

She kisses her rose laying in the center of the wreath. Eri lays her rose down.

Eri: "Rest well."

She's picked up and carried away. Pixie-bob uses her quirk to cover Y/N's coffin. They then gather around a podium that Nezu walks up to.

Nezu: "We gather here to not mourn. But celebrate the life of a fallen friend. Y/N L/N was more than just a UA student. He was true hero. He would lay down his life to save people. Even if he just met them. He may be gone, but he shall forever live on, as a symbol."

Panning to Tsuyu we see her pulling Y/N's jacket closer. A cover is then dropped revealing a statue of Y/N.

Nezu: "This statue shall serve as a reminder. To every aspiring hero. That no matter who you are. No matter where you came from or how bad life seems. So long as you stay true to who your are, you can rise above it all and achieve greatness. This' for you Y/N. May you finally be at peace."

Later that day we see Y/N's step mom and Eri eating at the table. No one has dared say a word.

Eri: "I miss him."

Mom: "So do I."

She offers a smile.

Mom: "But you know what? He's still here."

Eri: "He is?"

Mom: "Yeah. Even though we may not see him, he's still around."

Eri smiles. She soon loses it.

Eri: "I wish I could see him just one last time."

She's wrapped in a hug.

Mom: "I know you're sad. But look on the bright said. He's in a much better place now. And he's waiting for us to join him."

Eri returns the hug. Later that night Eri kneels beside her bed praying.

Eri: "And please be with Mary. I know she's smiling but I know she's really sad. And please be with Y/N, wherever he may be. Amen."

She crawls into bed going to sleep. A light breeze blows through. A small voice is heard through it.

Voice: "Goodnight Eri."

She smiles feeling completely at ease. With Y/N's step mom we see her scrubbing dishes. Light tears run down her cheeks.

Mom: "I hope you're doing okay Y/N."

That same breeze blows past her. She then smiles feeling this warm feeling hit her. All her sadness then fades away. Panning to Tsuyu's house we see her tossing and turning in her bed. She then groans in her sleep.

Tsuyu: "Y/N... I never... got to tell you... how I feel."

That breeze rolls through. An ethereal being then manifests beside her. It leans down kissing her forehead. This calms her down. That soft voice is then heard.

Voice: "I love you too Tsuyu."

She smiles as a tear runs down her cheek.

Tsuyu: "Y/N."

Unaware to all three women an ethereal figure manifests near them. Looking closely we see that iconic outfit.

Y/N: "Don't worry guys. No matter what, I'll always be here for you."

They all smile knowing, he's still here.

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