1A Vs 1B

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I stare down at my four opponents as they surround me.

Togaru: "Looks like one managed to escape the trap."

Yui: "He's skilled."

Ibara: "Careful, he's also quick on his feet."

Juzo: "It shouldn't matter. It's four against one."

Y/N: "Never get too cocky with odds."

I aim my hands activating the gauntlets. I unleash riot rounds pushing them back. With some space I jump fleeing the area. When there's some distance between us I take cover to think.

Y/N: "Ok. They've got me four to one. Each have a unique quirk that they've spent they entire lives refining. Meaning they won't be push overs. But in terms of combat experience I've got them beat. But never underestimate a group that can coordinate."

Ibara: "I've got him!!!"

I roll out of the way of her hair. But as I do the ground turns to quicksand making me submerge halfway. 

Juzo: "He's incapacitated, quick!!"

I look seeing Yui pressing her fingers together. Looking up allows me to see massive chunks of rubble about to crush me. I open my mouth firing my tongue which attaches to a chunk. With all my might I pull freeing myself.

Juzo: "What!?!?!"

Clinging to the rubble chunk I push it at Juzo hitting him dead center. My neck aches making me grab a chunk and aim it behind me. This catches Ibara's hair attack. 

Ibara: "Uh oh."

I smile spinning the chunk around. Ibara is swung around taking out Togaru. Letting her go I send her skidding across the floor. I finally land as my opponents get back on their feet.

Juzo: "Fine, he's skilled."

Togaru: "We need a gameplan, and fast."

Yui: "He's right. At this rate we'll end up taking each other out."

Ibara: "Don't lose faith. So long as we work together, we can win."

I run towards them. A shiver runs down my spine forcing me to leap. This prevents me from falling into that quicksand. Coming down I bring my foot down on Togaru. He crosses his arms in an attempt to block me. I pack a bigger punch tearing through his defense. With him stunned I fire a concussive blast that blows him away. I roll barely avoiding Ibara's vines.

Ibara: "You won't beat me a second time."

I leap as more of her vines nearly capture my feet. I fire my gauntlets pushing out of the way of her second attack. I come down on her with a right kick. But her hair forms a shield protecting her. My chest and back ache making me leap. Ibara's hair collides with Juzo's right hook. Ibara's hair wins flinging him away. Now in the clear I fire my gauntlets above me. This propels me downwards. I deliver a right hook that hits Ibara in her face. 

She goes flying backwards hitting a water tower. She slumps onto the ground making me smile. But I feel a chill run down my spine. I roll again avoiding the quicksand. Looking forward I see Juzo as the only one remaining.

Juzo: "I've got you now."

I smile placing my hand on the ground. My entire body tingles. I jump keeping my grip on the ground. When in the air I smile.

Y/N: "Take this."

I reel back the ground chunk. I toss it hitting Juzo right in his chest. He's taken down making me smile. With all of them down I carry them all to their cell. 

All Might: "Class 1B has been captured. Class 1A wins."

I smile at my victory.

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