Fiery Rescue

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I look at the street seeing firefighters trying their best to contain the blaze.

Firefighter: "We need those hoses hooked up now!"

Firefighter2: "We're trying! But the block's water was shut off!"

Firefighter: "Damnit!"

Woman: "Help us!"

I look at the burning building.

Y/N: "There's people trapped inside. I need to get them out before they perish."

Lowering my googles and lifting up my mask I leap through a window entering the building. 

Y/N: "Where are you!?!"

Woman: "In here!!"

Looking to the side I see a door being blocked by a burning beam. Attaching a web strand I pull the beam out of the way. I duck as it hits the wall sending sparks everywhere. I cover my mouth choking on the smoke. Regaining my breath I kick open the door being met with a huge gust of hot wind. I cover my face trying to peer through the flames.

Y/N: "I'm here! Where are you!?"

Woman: "In the bathroom!"

Making my way there I see rubble blocking the door.

Y/N: "This' gonna hurt."

Grabbing where it's not burning I begin lifting. The heat seeps through my clothes making my body feel like lava. 

Woman: "Hurry!" *cough* *cough* "Can't breathe!"

I grit my teeth quickening my pace. With a scream I toss the rubble out of the way. Kicking down the door I carry the woman over my shoulder to the window. Climbing out I attach a web strand to her waist lowering her down.

Woman: "Thank you."

Y/N: "Just get to safety."

I bite my cheek as a burning pain consumes my mouth, spreading down my throat. As the woman reaches the street I hear crying on the top of the building.

Y/N: "Sounds like a kid. Gotta hurry."

Clinging the side I toss myself up to the top floor rolling through the busted window. Glass comes free puncturing my back. Ignoring the pain I see a pair of closed doors. Opening them grants me the sight of a kid wrapped in a blanket.

Y/N: "Let's get you out of here."

Holding her to my chest I put my face mask on her to prevent smoke inhalation. This immediately causes smoke to fill my lungs eliciting a coughing fit.  

Y/N: "Hold on tight."

She nods tightening her grip. I make my way to the window when rubble comes loose. Leaping back I curse seeing my way blocked off.

Girl: "I'm scared."

I offer her a smile.

Y/N: "Don't worry. I'm gonna get you outta here. And that's a hero's promise."

I turn around booking it out of the room. Reaching the stairs I double my pace running down them. But as I reach the middle floor the wall explodes sending me airborne. Pulling the girl close I use my body to cushion the impact of the wall. Slamming onto the ground it gives way sending us into a pile of burning rubble. Luckily I hold out my hand gripping the broken ledge of the landing. 

With all my might I pull us to safety. Now safe I make a leap to ground level. Nearing the entrance I see a small opening. Getting there I set the girl down.

Y/N: *raspy* "Listen closely. I need you to crawl through that opening."

Girl: "But what about you?"

Y/N: "I'll find another way out. Now hurry. I'm not sure how much longer this place can stay standing."

She nods army crawling through the opening. When she's out I look at the raging inferno.

Y/N: "Now to find my own way out."

I look around when the building emits a long creak. The last thing I see is everything coming down on me.

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