Back To Square One

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After some time I arrive at my destination. I exit the cab seeing a familiar sight.

Driver: "Here you are. Deika City. Or what remains of it."

Y/N: "Thank you."

Driver: "No problem. But there's a matter of my fee."

I slightly groan.

Y/N: "I really am sorry. But I don't have any money."

Driver: "I figured as much Y/N."

I stare at him.

Y/N: "You knew?"

Driver: "Knew as soon as you requested the location."

Y/N: "You gonna rat me out now?"

Driver: "No."

I tilt my head.

Y/N: "Why?"

Driver: "What happened to Deika City doesn't sit well with me. So just do me a favor and get to the bottom of it."

I smile.

Y/N: "Will do."

He smiles.

Driver: "You're my hero kid. Keep up the good job."

He drives away. Meanwhile I walk into the ruined city. I walk through the rubble taking in the scope of the damage.

Y/N: "It's far worse than I thought."

I look spotting the unfathomable destruction. I then reach the area of where I first entered.

Y/N: "Alright. Let's see what I can find."

I retrace my fight. I go through all the areas I visited. I arrive at the alley where I chased the creature. Looking down I see footprints. 

Y/N: "These're mine."

I look to the side to see a set of smaller ones.

Y/N: "But those aren't."

I squat down analyzing them.

Y/N: "Size seven and a half to eight. Based on the shape they look like they came from some kinda uniform shoe. A school uniform shoe to be exact. Meaning a student was here with me."

I stand noticing the footprints heading away. I follow after them. I eventually come to a shack that's been boarded up.

Y/N: "Now what could possibly be in here?"

I kick the door open. This presents me  a room that shows signs of activity. I investigate the room. I look near the bed area. A tiny shine hits my eye. Looking I find it coming from under the bed. 

Y/N: "Bingo."

I lift the bed up finding a type of needle.

Y/N: "Odd."

I pick it up looking it over.

Y/N: "Hollow. Like a syringe."

I bring it close taking a single sniff. This brings a scent of iron.

Y/N: "Blood. If I'd hazard a guess, it's used to take blood."

I lower the needle.

Y/N: "Okay. I've got a needle that reeks of blood. Not much but it's better than nothing."

I then think.

Y/N: "If I can only figure out who this belongs to then I can begin to find out who framed me."

I exit the city swinging back into Musutafu. Landing on a roof I pull out my phone scrolling through my contacts.

Y/N: "There's gotta be someone who can help me."

I press mom's name. It rings before beeping.

Phone: "The person you're trying to call has a line that's been disconnected. Please try again later."

I groan putting my phone away.

Y/N: "So much for that. Guess I'm really on my own."

A helicopter comes into view.

Speaker: "Y/N L/N. Stand down now or we will use lethal force."

I leap getting close to the helicopter. I kick its tail sending it spinning out of control. It hits the roof with a hard thud. Its inhabitants exit aiming their guns at me. I however leap fleeing the area. I then swing down the street trying to escape.

Y/N: "Not good. Gotta get somewhere safe. But where? They've got everything on lockdown. Nowhere is safe."

I think when I get an idea.

Y/N: "It's risky. But worth a shot."

I make a quick left turn heading to my destination.

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