Round 2

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I head into the locker room where immediately all eyes land on me.

Kirishima: "There he is. Mister smooth criminal."

I roll my eyes.

Y/N: "Oh hush."

Denki: "Oh come on. We all saw what happened."

I take a seat chugging a bottle of water.

Y/N: "I don't know what you're talking about."

Sero: "You were sucking face with that Ibara chick."

I look at him.

Y/N: "It wasn't like that and you know it. She was just being friendly."

Ojiro slinks next to me wrapping his arm around my neck.

Ojiro: "Don't sell yourself short man. You've got a way with the ladies. Best you embrace it and score yourself a girlfriend."

I pry his arm off me.

Y/N: "I've got more important things than girlfriends to worry about."

Mineta: "What could be more important than a beautiful babe by your side?"

I freeze. Crap.

Y/N: "You know what? I don't need to explain myself to you guys."

I turn around rummaging through my locker.

Sato: "It's okay to be embarrassed."

I remain silent. Meanwhile I just think to myself.

Y/N: "I don't have time for a girlfriend. This city needs me more."


In the girls locker room they're in full gossip over what they just saw.

Mina: "Can you guys believe it?"

Uraraka: "Clam down Mina. It's not a big deal."

Mina: "Course you'd think that."

Momo: "What happened on the arena was just a display of sportsmanship. Nothing more, nothing less."

Mina: "But don't you guys understand? This could mean there's more to Y/N then just the quiet loner!"

Toru: "You really shouldn't comment on people's lifestyle like that. It comes across as mean."

Jiro: "Toru's right. Y/N's lifestyle isn't any of our business."

Mina: "What do you think Tsuyu?"

They all look at her.

Tsuyu: "Y/N's his own person. How he interacts with other people is his business."

Uraraka: "Well said."


After a couple more matches it's my turn again. Entering the arena I see my opponent with a smile on his face.

Bakugo: "Give me a good fight Y/N."

I return his smile.

Y/N: "Just try not to go crying home to momma when I beat you on public TV."

Present Mic: "Combatants ready? Fight!!!"

We rush at each other. Bakugo fires an explosion but I flip over him. In his blind spot I deliver a right kick. He however fires another explosion rocketing himself above me. 

Bakugo: "Dodge this."

Cupping his hands he fires a massive explosion down on me. Firing a web strand behind me I pull myself to safety. The explosion hits the ground tearing it up. Rubble flies everywhere obscuring the area. I try to pierce through the never ending dust.

Y/N: "Where are you?"

Bakugo: "Right here!!!"

I look up as he comes down aiming his hand. Acting quick I grab his wrist aiming his hand downwards. The explosion goes off propelling us both away. I slide to a stop as Bakugo rolls onto his feet.

Bakugo: "You've got moves. But let's see you dodge this."

Placing his hands on the ground he fires an explosion. Rubble tidal waves towards me. With a flip I dodge one rubble piece. Going immediately into a roll I avoid being struck by an arena tile. I smile when another explosion rings out. Looking I see Bakugo repeatedly firing an explosion into the ground sending wave after wave of rubble at me.

Y/N: "Not good."

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