Down With Overhaul

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3rd POV

Seeing his vision pointless Y/N closes his eyes. 

Overhaul: "How on earth do you plan of fighting me when you close your eyes?"

Y/N: "Clear your mind. Let the world speak to you."

He exhales calming his mind. The world then grows quiet.

Overhaul: "You truly are strange. But no matter. You'll die nevertheless."

He places his hand on the ground. The ground tidal waves towards Y/N. Keeping calm his focuses his senses. The front of his body tingles. Trusting it he leaps onto the ceiling easily avoiding the danger.

Overhaul: "What!?!"

He sends pillars at Y/N. He swings avoiding the first few. Now on the ground he rolls avoiding a falling pillar. Twisting to the side prevents a spiked pillar from skewering him. Grabbing it he swings it in a wide circle.

This destroys all the remianing pillars around him. Overhaul grits his teeth growing furious. He now manifests a wall that tilts Y/N's direction. But trusting his instincts he holds up his hands keeping the wall from crushing him. 

Overhaul: "Impossible!"

Y/N tosses the wall away rushing towards Overhaul. He slams his hand onto the ground sending stalagmites towards Y/N. He leaps as the stalagmites nearly puncture him. Sending a web strand at Overhaul's face he pulls himself to Overhaul. When close he kicks his chest sending him flying out the window. He dives out the window after Overhaul. Eri reaches out for Y/N.

Eri: "Save me."

He holds out his hand. A web strand is fired attaching to her chest. He tugs pulling her close. Wrapping his arms around her he uses his body to protect her. As soon as he does he slams onto the roof of a car caving it in. He groans as pain sets in.

Y/N: "You okay Eri?"

She nods laying her head on his chest.

Eri: "Yes. Thank you."

He smiles patting her head.

Y/N: "Don't mention it."

Fighting off the pain he gets off the car with Eri in his arms. He then walks down the road. But a shout is heard.

Overhaul: "This isn't over yet!!!!"

Turning around we see Overhaul now without his mask. Hives cover his face as his clothes are seen torn due to the fall. He huffs holding his ribs.

Overhaul: "I admit I had respect for you vigilante. But it seems it was a mistake. Now I could care less if you die!!!"

Y/N looks at Eri.

Y/N: "I'm gonna need to set you down for a second."

Eri: "Promise you'll be back?"

Y/N: "I promise."

He sets her down facing an enraged Overhaul.

Overhaul: "I'm gonna enjoy killing you."

Y/N: "You won't be the one to kill me."

Overhaul bares his teeth rushing at Y/N. He delivers a right hook. Y/N catches it pulling his arm to the side. Bringing his elbow back he slams it against Overhaul's nose severely breaking it. Overhaul growls like a rabid animal delivering a left cross. Y/N twists to the side avoiding his attack. Grabbing his wrist Y/N punches under Overhaul's elbow putting it out of commission. 

He screams in pain going for another right hook. Y/N however kicks his chest sending him away. But attaching web strands to his chest he's stopped. He's then swung over Y/N hitting the ground with a hard thud. 

Overhaul: "Curse... you."

He attempts to use his good hand. But Y/N steps on his hand making it crack.

Y/N: "That's enough. It's over."

Overhaul: "It'll never be over. Not until I put you in a coffin."

Y/N narrows his gaze. He then kicks Overhaul unconscious. With the threat down he emits a heavy sigh.

Y/N: "Thank goodness."

He walks away placing his hand on Eri's head. She looks up at him.

Eri: "You kept your promise."

He smiles.

Y/N: "Course I did. A hero never breaks their promise."

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