Post Fight

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3rd POV

It's been roughly three days since the climatic fight between Y/N and All For One. Since then crime's been low. Seeing a major villain fall dampened their enthusiasm to commit crime. Mostly they're just too stunned to act. At UA we see class 1A  in the classroom just talking.

Uraraka: "I'm glad crime's low. Makes it easier for people to relax."

Sero: "I know what you mean. My neighborhood hasn't had a single purse snatching for three days."

Shoji: "It's all thanks to that vigilante. Because of him most criminals are too scared to commit crime."

Mina: "Since he took down a major threat maybe now the media will treat him nicer."

Yuga: "Here's hoping."

Jiro: "I wish he wasn't so hurt. I miss seeing him pop up in my news feed."

Mina: *smug smile* "Sounds like someone's got a crush on the illegal hero."

Her shoulder is frozen by Todoroki.

Todoroki: "Lay off."

She rubs the back of her head.

Mina: "Right. Sorry."

Todoroki: "But she's right. It's good to hear his deeds."

Deku: "Yeah. Like that time he stopped a speeding semi."

Kirishima: "I saw that. He stopped it with his bare hands. What a man."

Tokoyami: "Or that time he helped stop a bomb."

Mineta: "And he did it by chucking it into the ocean right?" 

Ojiro: "Yep. Smart way to minimalize the blast effect."

Iida: "I wonder when he'll be back."

Tsuyu: "Speaking of back, anybody notice Y/N's gone?"

Toru: "I thought something felt off."

Momo: "I wonder where he is."

The door opens revealing Aizawa.

Aizawa: "He's at the hospital."

They become concerned.

Koda: "Why?"

Aizawa: "A family member of his got hurt during that villain fight."

Uraraka: "Is she gonna be okay?"

Aizawa: "From what Nezu said she's finally in stable condition. She's got a couple bruised organs and cracked sternum. Other than that she's fine"

They breathe a sigh of relief.

Tsuyu: "When's he gonna be back?"

Aizawa: "Unclear. Nezu says Y/N wants to be with her until she's able to leave the hospital."


Entering an elevator of the Kai agency we see All Might, Nezu and Kai. The doors open gracing them the sight of Y/Ns who's laying on a bed. He's got bandages covering the sides of his neck and entire right arm which's in a sling. 

All Might: "How is he?"

Kai: "Not as bad as we thought. His arm is burnt with some areas having second degree. His ankles are sprained with a hairline fracture in his left femur. He's got a couple broke ribs and deep bruising to his chest."

Nezu: "What about his back?"

Kai looks at a clipboard.

Kai: "Doc says it was broken."

They slightly look down.

Kai: "But good news that it wasn't disconnected."

They perk back up.

All Might: "Is he able to walk?"

Kai: "Too early to tell. We'll have to run some test when he wakes up."


I watch as the fire comes down on me. I gasp opening my eyes. Looking around I sigh seeing it was just a dream.

Voice: "Good to see you awake."

I look seeing Kai walking into the room.

Y/N: "How long have I been out?"

Kai: "Five days."

He stands by my side.

Kai: "How you feeling?"

I smile.

Y/N: "Not dead."


I look at my feet.

Kai: "Just wiggle your toes."

I inhale wiggling my toes. But they don't move. Kai pats my back.

Kai: "I'm so sor-"

My eyed widen as my toes slowly move.

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