Villainous Rally

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Man: "Word on the vine is that she's often been seen hanging with a group of nasty folks."

Y/N: "Who are they?"

Man: "They call themselves the League of Villains or some other dumbass name."

Y/N: "Where can I find them?"

Man: "They're having a rally."

Y/N: "When and where?"

Man: "Okinawa. At six o'clock. Tonight."

Y/N: "Thanks for your cooperation."

I let him go. He screams plummeting towards the sidewalk. But before he goes splat I attach a web strand to his ankle. He stops an inch off the sidewalk. He soon passes out from fear.

Y/N: "Alright. I've got another lead. Now to make my way to Okinawa."

I make my way there. By the time I arrive the sun gets an hour from setting. I look around as several people arrive to take part in the rally. I look at the stage seeing several odd people. But the most odd is the dude that's easily the size of a building. 

Y/N: "Please let things go well."

I look a the center of the stage and go wide eyed. Walking on stage is none other then sir hands.

Hands: "My fellow criminals of Musutafu. We stand here untied. We are brought together because of the defeat we suffered at the hands the vigilante. Or Y/N L/N."

They all voice an agreement. Meanwhile I secretly press record on my phone.

Hands: "But take joy in knowing that he is no more. Because of my gang he's now the most wanted man in all of Japan. He's being hunted down like the mad dog he is. He's finally out of the picture."

They cheer.

Hands: "You all are now free to do whatever you damn well please. You can rob stores to your heart's content. You can commit crime with no fear of being captured."

Again they cheer.

Hands: "I gave you this freedom. So enjoy. Because from now onward. This country belongs to us."

They go crazy in cheers. Meanwhile hands starts walking away. 

Y/N: "I can't let him get away."

I follow after him. But as I do I hear very loud shouting.

Giant: "Vigilante!!!!"

I look as all eyes land on me. 

Hands: "Gigantomachia. Kill him."

He rushes at me. I leap as he brings down his massive fist. 

Gigantomachia: "Stand still!"

I pull myself out of the way of his second attack. I land on his back as he screams.

Gigantomachia: "Get offa me!"

He takes off running. I stick to him keeping from getting flung off. Gigantomachia continues running trampling over everything in his path. I look over him to see him heading for the city. 

Y/N: "Gotta stop him before he causes too much damage."

I slingshot myself in front of him. I cling to his face. He looks down growling.

Gigantomachia: "Stupid bug!!!"

He brings his hand in to squish me. I let go falling onto the ground. He screams in frustration smacking himself in the face. He then brings down his foot in an attempt to crush me. I hold up my hands catching his foot. Immediately pain hits my broken ribs as they rub against each other. I try to breathe out the pain. 

Gigantomachia: "Die annoying pest!!!"

He applies more pressure driving me to my knee. I scream pushing him off balance. Then attaching a web strand to the ground I pull with all my might. A chunk of earth is uplifted. I swing it taking out Gigantomachia's knee. He stumbles before landing on his back. He recovers looking at me with eyes of fury.

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