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I land on a rooftop when my phone rings. I look to see Principal Nezu.

Y/N: "Hey, you need something?"

Nezu: "What're you doing right this moment?"

Y/N: "Just got done stopping a bank robbery. So nothing. Why?"

Nezu: "I have matters I wish to discuss with you. Can you meet me at my office in roughly an hour?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

I hang up and leap towards UA. Reaching the gate I switch to regular clothes and walk into UA. I then enter Nezu's office to see him sitting on a chair sipping a glass of tea.

Nezu: "Have a seat."

I take a seat on his couch.

Y/N: "What is it you wanna talk about?"

Nezu: "Are you familiar with a villain named Overhaul?"

I think. I then shake my head.

Y/N: "I'm afraid it's not ringing any bells. Why?"

Nezu: "Supposedly he's looking for you."

I tilt my head.

Y/N: "Why?"

Nezu: "I don't know."

He reaches in his pocket withdrawing a letter. 

Y/N: "What's that?"

Nezu: "A letter, for you. From Overhaul."

I take it looking it over. 

Y/N: "Anyone look at it?"

Nezu: "No. It clearly states only you are allowed to look at it."

I rip it open. I then skim through it. 

Y/N: "Says he wishes to meet."

Nezu: "What for?"

Y/N: "Apparently he wants to discuss a business proposition with me."

I put away the letter standing up. 

Nezu: "You're not actually going are you?"

Y/N: "I know it's dangerous. Which's why I won't be going alone."

I pull out my phone placing a call.

All Might: "Yes?"

Y/N: "Can you meet me outside UA, right now?"

All Might: "Yeah. Be right there."

I hang up heading outside. From there I wait until All Might arrives dressed in his hero costume.

All Might: "So mind telling me what all of this is about?"

Y/N: "I'll explain on the way."

I get my costume on. I then cling to his back showing him an address.

Y/N: "Take me here."

He nods crouching down. Leaping we go flying through the air.

All Might: "Alright, start explaining."

Y/N: "A villain by the name of Overhaul wishes to meet with me."

All Might: "What for?"

We land but immediately he leaps again.

Y/N: "He wants to strike a deal with me."

All Might: "What kinda deal?"

Y/N: "No clue. But he made it clear it'd be one to change the world."

All Might: "That doesn't sound foreboding at all."

Y/N: "No kidding. Going off my reputation I have this feeling we're bound for a fight."

All Might: "I wish I could say I didn't feel the same."

We finally land in front of a small building. I hop off All Might's back. 

Y/N: "Hang back. If he sees that I brought a pro things might go sideways."

All Might: "Good idea. I'll be on top of that building there."

He points to a building a block away. He then hands me a small device with a red button.

All Might: "Things get too hairy press this three times. Me along with S.W.A.T. will arrive."

I put the device in my pocket. I then face the building inhaling.

Y/N: "Wish me luck."

I enter the building. 

Voice: "You made it."

I turn seeing a man in a plague doctor mask. 

Y/N: "I take it you're Overhaul?"

Overhaul: "Yes. And you're the infamous vigilante."

He holds out his hand.

Overhaul: "Nice to meet you."

I shake his hand.

Y/N: "Likewise."

We lower our hands.

Overhaul: "Follow me."

I do getting led to an office like area. He takes a seat on a chair as I sit in front of him.

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