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I eye the police chief.

Y/N: "I'm not a murderer."

He holds up a file.

Tanaka: "Tell that to the poor citizens of Deika City."

He slides it to me as photos slide out. I look seeing what remains.

Tanaka: "Twenty thousand people, killed by a bomb. A bomb that you set off."

Y/N: "I didn't know there was a bomb!!! I was fighting some kinda shadow creature!"

Tanaka: "Try and deny it all you want. But we clearly have you on video making a bomb go off."

Y/N: "I was under some kinda illusion."

Tanaka: "Wow, like I haven't heard that one before. You'll say anything to try and sound innocent."

Y/N: "I'm telling the truth. I was fighting some guy with a smoke quirk. But I don't think it was regular smoke. I theorize it must've been some kinda hallucination inducing type. Surely you found his body."

Tanaka: "The only thing we found was death and destruction."

Y/N: "I'm telling you. I'm being framed. Someone's making me look like a killer."

Tanaka: "We don't deal with theories. We deal in cold hard facts. And right now all of them are pointing to you, the murdering vigilante."

Y/N: "I'm not a murderer!!!"

He slams my head onto the table. 

Tanaka: "Silence. I knew this day was coming. The day you'd slip up and show your true colors. And now it's happening. You've been roaming free for far too long. Well no more. Today is the day you pay for your crimes."

Two cops walk in and escort me away.

3rd POV

While Y/N is taken away we jump to the Kai agency. Going into the office we see Kai, Mary and Eri.

Mom: "We have to rescue him."

Kai: "I know."

Mom: "If we don't then they'll eat him alive."

Kai: "I know. I'm thinking."

He groans when an idea hits him.

Kai: "I've got a friend who might be able to help us."

He pulls out his phone placing a call.

Phone: "Yello?"

Kai: "Hey, Y, it's me Kai."

Y: "Aye what up Kai? Hey we still up for poker tonight?"

Kai: "Yeah. But listen, I need your help."

Y: "What with?"

Kai: "As you know Y/N was taken into custody."

Y: "Yeah. Poor kid."

Kai: "I need to know what they're planning to do with him. Think you can help?"

Y: "Course. What're friends for?"

Jumping to the next city we see a man in his twenties entering a records building. He walks up to a blonde haired woman.

Y: "Hey Delilah."

She looks at Y going wide eyed.

Delilah: "Oh no. Not you."

He slinks to the counter.

Delilah: "You know you can't be here."

Y: "I know. The restraining order made it very clear."

Delilah: "Then why are you here?"

Y: "I need help."

Delilah: "Pass."

Y: "Oh come on."

Delilah: "No. The last time I helped you I ended up watching you kill yourself by leaping off a bridge."

Y: "For the last time. It was the only option at the time. Plus you knew I wouldn't die."

Delilah: "Either way. It left a very traumatic scar that still haunts me."

Y: "Alright I admit I was wrong for that. But this time it's really simple."

Delilah: "Like you've never said that before."

Y: "All I need is to know what's gonna happen to that vigilante that was recently arrested."

Delilah: "I can't do that."

Y: "Can't or won't?"

Delilah: "Both."

Y: "Then seems I'll have to convince you to help me."


Y: "Turns out he's gonna have a private trial."

Kai: *on phone* "Where?"

Y: *looks at hand* "Corner of Cherry Road and Pepper Avenue."

Kai: "Thanks Y. I owe you one."

Delilah: "I'm ready."

Kai: "Are you two back together?"

Y looks over his shoulder to see a now nude Delilah eagerly awaiting him.

Y: "For the moment. Odds are she'll try to kill me again when we're finished."

Kai: "Good luck."

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